Chapter 24

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Ella stiffened when she heard the familiar voice of a stranger who took liberty with her at hot springs. She couldn't forget that voice. The voice that developed plethora of chills in her body...

He snuggled his head into curvy neck and breathed in fresh smell of feminine. Her hold on the channel of cloth quivered when he traced his lips on the length of her neck.

"Hmm, I need to reward the staff. You look so stunning, My Ella." He hummed in her ears seductively inhaling the flowery womanly smell. "So stunning and so delicious that I am excited to introduce to the world of pleasure in the position we are in." He wrapped the loose end of the duvet around one of his ankle and wrapped the upper part of the cloth around one of his wrist into a stable hanging position.

He slowly removed her hold and the channel of cloth while his other leg that was wrapped around her waist is supporting her body in a comfortable position.

Ella's breath hitched and no sound came from her mouth other than the raging intake air. She was meant to run away from whomever person she was sold to then how come she was yet again trapped in the hold of a familiar stranger that she did not even know how he look.

"I – How – are you – here?" Ella's stuttering question amused the man in a bout of laughter. He quickly pulled her front to his and without giving her a chance to finally see his face; he leaned in near to her ear sniffing her hair with a sensual hum.

"I – want to get away from here." Ella spoke again wrapping her hands around his neck, holding him with her life.

"Why?" His question brought tears in Ella's eyes. May be... just maybe this stranger can help her get away from there.

"I assume I was sold to someone here for possibly a sexual purpose." The man hummed in reply and started peppering kisses along her jaw. "Please stop. I shouldn't be doing this with you. I am married woman." Ella tried to push his body away from hers as much there was possibility.

"This is not a sin, Darling. Doing it with me is not at all a sin. It is how it should be and we are going to be how we are meant to be." The stranger said and pulled his head from her neck and brought it right in front of hers, nose to nose and forehead to forehead.

Ella opened her eyes slowly to look at the man who has been developing these unusual feelings inside her. She wanted to take a glimpse of the person who has been crafting the need to perform a sin. She needed to look into the eyes of the person who was always in her dreams making her yearn for his attention.

The moment she opened her eyes, they were welcomed by the dark pair of orbs rimmed with passionate red circle around them. Her lungs suddenly abandoned the duty of inhaling and exhaling the air. She was struck by a bolt of lightning with the flames those dark eyes were burning into hers. There was desire, there was an untold affection and there was an inexperienced emotion in them for her.

She knows these eyes. She has seen them somewhere; but where?

Ella eyes moved from his eyes to the length of his sharp nose that was nuzzling hers and to the pair of chapped lips which looked soft yet experienced.

He was so attractive and handsome. So wild and diserable.

She was attacked by those irresistible pair of lips which are out on an exploration to sort out the taste of its liking. He was sucking on her lips slowly investigating the depth of its flavor.

"Tonight, we will do just what our heart tells us to. Do not consider about right or wrong, just open the eyes of your heart and look at me through them." He said and pressed her soft curvaceous body against the wall with his. His hand inched her gown up till he can feel the skin of her well hidden treasures.

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