Chapter 40

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The Lord was grinning pleasantly but the evil satisfaction shining in his eyes was totally a different chapter. He was pleased with Lyndon's work.

The job he had given to Lyndon days ago has finally put into action. Shadowvalor, the place where Ella was put through hell was finally paying its price.

"Their establishments magically were set on fire but no one was seriously harmed." Lyndon's story brought a smile on his face.

Lord Knight was a person with a patience of a saint which was a curse to his enemies. The people he was eyeing to destroy were going to face many trials before breaking apart and it was exactly what the Lord was planning to do.

Break them but not kill.

"Ah, how soothing!" The Lord exclaimed mockingly and turned towards Lyndon who was smirking back. "I want them without shelter from here forth. If they make one, burn them. Where ever the people of Shadowvalor go, I want them under the naked sky with minimal food enough to keep them alive." The Lord was making certain the gift of ultimate patience he was gifted was used properly.

He will take things slow and kill them emotionally and mentally slowly, step by step. After all, five years of Ella' sufferings should be well compromised.

Lyndon nodded at the Lord's commands without a question as he was one of the only few people that can understand the Lord's predicament. If Lady Ella has pained in the past years, Lord Knight also was hurt when he couldn't help his wife.

It was Lady Ella who got hurt but it was the Lord who suffered from it.

Their destiny has a weird thinking of its own. Once, they were one yet they couldn't become one. Later, they were apart, yet they were close to each other's heart. At the moment, they were close and near yet the barriers of deep secrets stood between them like a decisive ordeal.

"Yes, My Lord." Lyndon answered proceeding further, "Knox Garrick found nothing about you with Madonna's help. But it was positive that he understood the abnormality in it." Lord Knight hummed in response and fell in silence for few moments.

"Also, he met Blythe in Lady Ella's resting chamber. No doubt to ask for your details." The Lord raised a brow in question. Knox Garrick was one brave man to enter the lion's den.

"And she helped him?" Lord was quite certain that Blythe was a tamed greatly and would be that way for good period of time.

"No she did not. But she did warn him to stay away from you." A chuckle resonated in the chamber and the red rim in Lord's eyes started overpowering the orbs. He was furious yet there was something dangerous grooming inside him.

He was thinking about the pest with the name Knox Garrick. Though he was a normal human, he was dangerous than a viper. The Lord has to do something about Garrick. Killing him was not in his notes. He wanted to use knives, needles, nails along with pepper and salt on his. He was craving to hear the painful wailing of Knox Garrick.

But... but someone else also has the right to enjoy torment the viper.

"Lyndon, I want you to write a letter to the Lord of Western realm, Lord Emor. The letter should be short and mysterious telling him that he would get his answers from Madonna, the sacred witch." Lyndon was surprised and curious about the sudden correspondence to Lord Emor.

He did not understand how it was related to their current situation considering, Lord Knight never had any acquaintances with Lord Emor.

And Why Madonna?

"I apologize, but I fail to understand how Lord Emor was ever related." Lord Knight looked at Lyndon and gave his a crafty smile.

"He was not before but he is now. He is related to Knox Garrick." That put Lyndon into confusion again.

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