Chapter 32

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Ella couldn't be happier at that moment, the moment when her tutor was praising her for her first artwork. It was a simple painting of a sunflower but still it was her first painting ever and she loved how the slim brush can create such blend of colors.

It always amazed Ella how nature had such fine hue of reflections. From a dirty looking brown sand to the emblazing yellow sun, everything amazed her.

It was unfortunate that she couldn't enjoy the beauty before due to many pits life had thrown her into. But now that chance came, she couldn't contain her excitement within herself. She liked Xander a little bit more for giving her the opportunity to experience something like that.

"Excellent, My Lady." The governess smiled making Ella smile brightly in return. "You have a great style in mixing colors, My Lady. Next time we will learn how to extract yellow coloring from dandelions." And Ella's joy knew no bounds. She would learn how to get a color from flowers and that was the best thing for her.

"Are you enjoying, darling?" She heard raspy whisper of her husband from behind which startled her. She raised her head up to find her tutor and Lucy nowhere to be seen. She slowly turned back to see Xander bent down to her level, giving her a heated gaze.

"How was it? Do you like it?" Xander wrapped his hands around Ella's waist pulling her close to him. He was smiling like a bamboozle looking at the content looking on his lovely wife's face. What could he not give to get such a smile from his wife.

"Yes. Miss Panford is a sweet woman and she taught me how to make a simple bouquet of three flowers and I also learnt how to paint a simple flower. I made a sunflower with yellow, green and orange colors." Xander chuckled when Ella hugged him in enthusiasm. He felt like he won the whole planet when he noticed the utter joy in Ella's eyes.

Yet, on the other side he was raging with the thirst to taste blood of every single person who snatched such innocent happiness from her. He felt like tearing everyone from limb to limb who were responsible for causing such pain to an innocent girl like his Ella.

If he should, then he would be going to the lengths of selling himself to the devil if in return he could bring such cheerful smile on her face.

"Brilliant. Are you happy, Ella?" He asked knowing too well what the answer was. He knew she was beyond happy but still he wanted to hear it with her musical voice.

"Yes I am. Thank you, Xander. I don't know why you are so nice to me. I don't know if you have any other hidden motives for being nice to me like town members, but I am very happy." Ella looked affectionately into Xander's eyes and cupped his face with her dainty hands. "I am happy to be with you. From the moment I met you the first time, you always made an effort to make me happy. I feel fortunate to be your wife."

Xander felt a pang in his heart when Ella said she was fortunate to have married him. His little Ella was so pleased for such a trivial thing as to learning flower engagement and it pained his heart to see how deeply wounded she was from heart.

He watched her suffer for years and always helped her from shadows but he knew that he cannot understand her agony whatsoever. His eyes hardened with a strong determination of making up for all the hurt and keep her so content that she could forget what pain was.

"And you are my sole reason of life. Now go rest, Later this evening, I will take you to your garden." Ella's eyes lightened up when she heard the word garden. Her garden?

"My Garden?" She queried, excitement pouring out her statements.

"Yes, you have your own garden with many flowers and scented plants. I'm certain you will definitely love it." Xander kissed her cheek affectionately.

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