Chapter 23

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Ella was puzzled and lost.

What was going on there and where was she?

She did not even know why she was taken to the Knights castle and for what reason. Everything that happened to her before she lost her consciousness doesn't make any logic.

"Please close your eyes, Miss. We are to put some scented powder on them." The maid whispered respectfully to which Ella complied as asked to. She didn't knew why a group of maids were working on her to make her look beautiful.

The moment she woke up in the large deluxe bed in an unknown room, she was followed by maids who seemed so excited to serve her. She asked them why she was there but the maids just told her that they didn't know anything. She was given food and a healthy drink as soon as she woke up. Once she was done eating, the maids rushed her to the bathroom and bathed her with scented herbs and oils.

Ella was getting nervous as time went on. Why was she being decked up was still a puzzle for her. She asked where the town head and other men were who brought her there but she was only answered with 'you will know in awhile.'

"Lucy" Ella called out and Lucy who was working on her hair stopped what she was doing and looked at her with a polite smile.

"Why are you decorating me? Is this how I will be slaughtered? The witch's solution for the disaster was to slaughter me after decorating me, isn't it?" Ella asked softly looking at Lucy with questioning eyes. Lucy opened her mouth to assure her but closed it immediately as the Lord banned everyone to tell anything to Miss Ella.

Lucy could only smile at her, "You will know in a while, Miss. Rest assured, you will not be slaughtered." She answered shortly and completed making Ella's hair.

Once Ella's face was made up, Lucy got a pretty pink evening gown adorned with flower works and crystal stones. The gown looked extraordinary.

"Miss, take off the robe we need to get you into this beautiful gown." Lucy stated tugging on the loose knot of the Ella's robe.

"But Lucy, this gown is for me? Why?" Ella stepped back a little and looked at the lavish gown. The more she was taken care of the more petrified she was getting.

She was never treated this nice by people and when all the ladies around were rushing to make her a good looking lady, she couldn't understand what to take it as.

Ella was dressed in the pink gown and she looked stunning with her red locks tumbling down to her waist and her pale skin accentuated by the pink dress. Her lips were painted red matching her hair. She looked like a doll of desire.

"You look stunning, Miss. You will not be rested all the night." The other maid giggled looking at the gorgeous looking Ella. All the maids were amazed by her beauty.

Ella did not get the meaning behind the maid's statement and before she could dwell into it, Lucy ushered her out of the room towards a set of large staircase, taking her to a set of large double doors.

Ella thought of running away stealthily but from the moment she woke up, she was persistently accompanied by one or the other ladies. She did not get to spend even a moment alone without them.

Lucy pushed the double doors with strength revealing a big master bedroom decorated with scented candles and flowers. The room was faintly lit by the candles and the sweet smelling flower petals were covering the floor. The bed was totally another story. It was covered with white sheet and decorated by red rose petals.

It looked cozy and sensual.

"w-wh-what why are we here?" Ella stuttered looking at the decorated room. Her fears got worse and her hands shaking violently.

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