Chapter 35

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When a wave hit rocks, some hardens while some crumbles down. The same goes with people. Not every person gets stronger as life is tested; there are few people who weaken at the force of life.

Ella was such to crumble down easily. Life has only tried to bend her, mold her and shape her into an obedient defenseless person and when Blythe threw spiteful words at her, Ella was beyond hurt.

She was only trying to know why Blythe was there at the castle working as help and if any, she was thinking to aid Blythe if she was at any uneasy situation. Ella might be a little happy with her new husband but she knew he was dangerous.

How dangerous, she had no idea but she could guess the amount of influence he had on all his staff, mainly Blythe.

What made a strong girl like Blythe break?

No doubt she was still hostile with Ella but the hatred in her eyes was upsetting.

"You have an astounding ability to cook, My Lady." Lucy smiled taking a whiff of well marinated and cooked meat. Ella smiled back at the compliment and got excited to serve the hot food to the Lord.

"When will the Lord come down for supper?" Ella rubbed her hands in anticipation once she neatly arranged all the food in large bowls.

The cook was impressed by Ella's humble cooking and was holding herself not to pound on the food. It happened for the first time that a Lady cooked for the staff. All the previous Ladies of Knights castle were too snobbish to treat the help considerably good.

"Yes My Lady, Lyndon has already informed the Lord." Lucy replied back.

Ella instructed the maids to place the food on the table along with necessary cutlery. Ella has already changed into her evening gown once she was done with cooking so she raked a hand through her dress to soften the creases if any.

"You look beautiful, Ella. Not to worry, the Lord will love what he see." Lucy reassured Ella when she noticed a frown on her forehead.

True, the Lady looked radiant in her sea green evening gown and the Lord would certainly enjoy when he sees his wife.

Ella heard several footsteps coming towards the dining hall of which one powerful she was now getting familiar with. She once again turned towards Lucy asking her for the final time if she looked good or not and when got the confirmation she needed, she walked into the dining hall where her husband was waiting for her.

Once inside the room, she immediately looked up towards her husband who was already standing tall and strong, looking at her intensely with a small smile playing on his lips. He looked so well and handsome that made Ella to take a double look at him.

"Xander!" She exclaimed his name with red tint spreading on her cheeks. She was about to call him 'My Lord' in front of his staff but one hard look from him told her that he would not like if she address him with anything but his first name.

Frankly, Ella too loved to call him by his name. According to her, calling her husband with an official rank was not right.

"Ah, there is my Ella." He walked towards her and kissed her sweetly on her forehead. "I heard you prepared supper today?" He whispered in her ear, kissing it for several times.

"Yes. I wanted to show my gratitude to you for taking care of me." She smiled widely and took his hand into hers and led him to the chair. Once both of them were seated, she stood up to serve the Lord with all the delicacies she prepared.

"Lucy, I will serve the Lord and myself. You can go and have supper along with the other staff members. You too Mr. Lyndon." Ella gestured them to leave which made Xander chuckle. It was good to see her order people around her.

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