Chapter 33

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Ella walked into her bed chamber with light steps looking all the more bright and shining after her classes with Miss Panford. There was a constant smile on her face that even brightened up the staff's mood. The maidservants and Lyndon couldn't help but smile at the happy looking Lady.

"Lucy" She halted near the bed and looked back at Lucy.

"Yes, My Lady." Lucy smiled back at Ella who was grinning at her.

"Call me Ella when there are just us, Lucy." Ella chastised playfully, "What do you think should I do for the Lord?" Ella asked twisting the ends of the shawl with her hands while her face was painted deep red with the blush that adorned.

"I beg your pardon, Ella. I did not get you." Lucy looked up to find Ella blushing like a new bride and there was also this tension that was clear in her eyes.

"Xander – I mean Lord Knight has done so much for me. He also arranged a tutor for me to learn something I always dreamt to learn. He is so sweet, Lucy." Ella said in a faraway tone and Lucy chuckled when she looked at her sparkling eyes.

"Swooning at the Lord? Lord Knight is the least sweet person I have ever come across. He is not at all sweet and kind, Ella. Lord Knight is cruel." Lucy put in, trying to hide her smile when she saw Ella gasp at what she said.

Lucy was so enjoying how Ella was reacting to what she said and she liked it. Ella didn't like how her husband was spoken of and Lucy was happy to notice that.

"No, he is a very sweet person. He is strict only because he is a Lord and he has a lot of responsibilities on him." Ella's tone was serious and it had a tinge of affection in it for Xander. Lucy raised her eyebrow, amusement clear in her eyes.

Lucy did not expect an angry tone from Ella given Ella was a very loveable person who cannot raise her voice on anyone. Lucy was waiting to tell the Lord about the talk they had and she was certain that the Lord would be on the clouds.

"What does the Lord like to eat or like to do?" Ella turned to Lucy excitedly and clapped her hands with determination to prepare something good for Xander.

Lucy laughed at the lady and tapped her chin with her finger as if she was thinking.

"Let's see, Lord Knight likes to eat meat a lot. He loves fried meat and beef soup." Ella repeated what Lucy said trying to remember the details and looked at the sun slowly going down the horizon.

"Alright, Lucy, tell the cook to prepare the necessaries for beef soup and stir fried meat and tell her I would be making the dinner for everyone today." Ella was energetic when a thought came to her mind. How would Xander react when he tastes her food? Would he compliment her? Would he be grateful for the efforts?

"Oh, when I said everyone, it means staff too. I will make the supper for the staff included. Now go inform Mrs. Jones."

Just when she was about to tell Lucy how her Xander can be a very righteous husband and a very efficient Lord and how she would prepare a scrumptious food for her husband, words got stuck in her throat when she noticed a familiar person coming inside her chamber with a huge water tub followed by another maid with bottles of scented oil and variety of herbs.

"Miss Garrick?" Ella looked at Blythe in shock. Blythe looked up not meeting Ella's eyes and just bowed her head in respect.

What was she doing here? Ella didn't know Blythe was working in the castle. Why would a daughter of town head working in the castle as a service staff?

"My Lady, I am here to massage your legs. Please place your legs in the warm water." Blythe forced politeness towards Ella and checked the temperature of water. If Ella even got a single scald on her skin then Blythe knew she would be in a very big trouble.

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