Chapter 50

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What shall he need to do?

Xander was feeling guilty for keeping his Ella away from him for five years when he could make her life better from the begin itself. But it was necessary. He was fighting against people who could do anything and could go any length to achieve what they wanted and he did not want Ella to become their bait to capture him.

After all the things happened, he couldn't put Ella in danger again. Though she was alone, sad, mourning and depressed all those years, it was better than become a target to cruel people.

But he wished he took care of his past soon enough to bring Ella to him sooner.

"Xander... Xander!" Xander was brought out of his thoughts by the concerned voice of his brother. Previous night was one emotional night for him. As time passed by, his apprehension grew and the only thought that was running in his mind was to get his Ella back.

Madonna visited Ella that morning when Xander has summoned her for a brief check up. He notified the witch how Ella cried in sleep when he was talking to her the previous night. Ella's tears shone hope in Xander but still he did not want to expect anything unless he was certain about it.

'It was good she was hearing you, My Lord. But her soul is still shattered. You only have tonight to get her back. I suppose whatever you were telling her the past night was the key. Though it is not precisely the heal, I presume the cure was something closely connected to you. You should just have to call her with your heart, mind and soul.'

Xander's head started to pound harder given his emotional jolt. He sighed and rubbed his head and looked at his brother who was sitting before him with a serious look.

"Eh, what is it?" He rasped. The pounding in his head is getting worse and he couldn't think straight anymore.

"We found him." Xander jolted out of his seat when he heard the words he wanted from past several weeks.

This was it.

They found him.

"I had him chained in the dungeons assuring to put there the amulet you made. He cannot use any kind of magic as long as the amulet is there." Xavier said standing himself and following his brother who was rushing towards the dungeons to visit their esteemed guest.

"Where was he all this while?" Xander asked but in his authoritative aristocratic tone like a Lord.

From that moment until he punish Knox Garrick and the town of Shadowvalor, he would be in the mask of Lord Knight.

Xander can show sympathy but the Lord he turned into knew no compassion when it comes to felony. Not to mention Knox has done wrong against his wife whom he loved more than the world.

He would finally give him the retribution he deserved.

"He was hiding in a cave far away in the south and it was shielded with magic. But Lyndon was able to shatter it. Moreover your amulet did help us from keeping him grounded." Xavier simplified.

Though he was not letting it out, Xavier was thirsty for Knox Garrick's blood. He was just controlling himself only to be the sane person when his brother loses his restraint.

Both the men walked through the dark hallways of the dungeons with many torment thoughts swarming in their mind.

The cabin Knox was kept in was the far most one with not a pinch of light and no sound can reach there. It was the deserted place where the secrets were kept skillfully.

A perfect place to torture someone!

Knox was tied metal chains to a long pole in the middle of the cabin. He looked to be drugged with the way he was shaking his head and squinting his eyes to get a clear picture.

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