Chapter 37

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"How can this be possible?" Knox's surprised exhausted voice boomed in the calm night. He was getting aggravated with ending up with nothing but a black fog swirling around him.

Knox was currently sitting down in the middle of the woods alongside Madonna in front of bluish green fire that was dancing in the dark. There were several small pots filled with poisonous herbs like Nightshade, Hemlock and Thyme and also potions that are to be added to the riling fire.

Madonna crushed golden rosemary and added bitter bark to it and threw it in the fire. The fire turned an unusual color of dark shade of blue quite close to black. Madonna pushed a small bottle of yellow colored liquid potion into Knox's hand and asked him to add the potion to the fire while reciting the spell she asked him to.

"Invoculso" Knox repeated after her pouring out the liquid into the blazing dark fire. It oozed out a dark fog which surrounded the two of them in wrap creating a portal around them.

But like the previous time, the fog which was supposed to create a large halo, failed. Knox couldn't understand why they were failing even after trying for tens of times. This was the third night they were in woods trying to perform the spell and magic in desire to look at the Lord's past.

"Knox, I had already insisted that looking in to Lord Knight's life is a difficult feat. You think he is an ordinary person that a witch like me can unfurl him?" Madonna replied in annoyance.

She was performing the same thing from past three nights and the met with failure every time. She knew already that this would be nothing but a catastrophe. Lord Knight was not a normal human to get traced easily. He was powerful, more powerful than her and she wouldn't risk her life and her magic for the sake of a fool like Knox Garrick.

She had better things to do now and one of those is sacrificing yet eight more men that year so she could finally complete the ritual and get out of any possible relationship in her life.

She didn't trust people, least a man. A future interference of a man in her life was the least she wanted and she must had a soul mate out in the world and the chances of meeting him was high. So she did what she ought to, which is sacrificing eight men every year for eight years so she could finally stop any kind of bond in the future.

That year being the eight year, she was busy looking for the men.

"But how come we could not penetrate him? It feels mystifying." Knox gasped in absolute surprise.

Who exactly was the Lord that even the great witch couldn't infiltrate?

He was getting aggravated by every passing moment also because his daughter was not sane right at the time. She was too much succumbed by the Lord and now that he couldn't succeed in gaining knowledge about the mysterious Lord, he needs to meet his daughter as soon as possible.

Blythe should know a thing or two about the Lord, after all she was staying there from several weeks.

"Like I said, Lord Knight is not someone so easy to catch. From here forth you need help yourself, Knox. I cannot help you further as I have done enough. A little more of help and I would be making an enemy out of the Lord which I don't wish to." Madonna answered in a stern voice.

Knox was shocked for the second time that night hearing the cold tone. He thought the witch can only purr and seduce but the stern voice sent threatening shivers down his spine and that very moment Knox got the hint that the Lord is someone even the powerful witch is avoiding.

But why?

If Madonna wanted to, then it would not be a tough task to get the human Lord into her trap and bewitch him.

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