Chapter 20

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"The earlier period of three months of cyclone has taken many lives, killed many families and destroyed many villages around. I feel deeply ashamed of being an incapable town head when I could not help the town in any manner. I lost to cyclones. I was lost to nature. I failed to protect you all." Knox started a very convincing emotional speech, sniffling at every word he spoke.

There many people present in the temporary shed on the top of hills they made. The whole village was present there, to the meeting that was scheduled to talk about the important issue at hand right now.

The Witch's remedy.

"Not at all, Knox. You have done an amazing work in taking care of the town. It was the cruel nature that played evil against us but we are pleased to know that you went to her sacred witch to solve our concern." Knox's evil mind grinned in satisfaction when a villager spoke. He knew that the villagers are completely in his grip but situations like this made him happy to know that he has the final say in everything and those people are nothing but pawns in his game.

It made him so powerful to have such power over people and that was how his greed to become the God of everyone raised to life.

"Good to know you support me, dear villagers. Now talking about the remedy that her sacred greatness suggested was – " Knox heaved lung full of breath and looked over the large hall with a feigning guilt and helpless look.

Such a great performer Knox Garrick was. He knew exactly how to trap people into beliefs.

"What is it, Sire. Please hesitate not. We are prepared to do anything to save our town." An old lady from the group spoke out loudly making everyone shout in unison 'yes we will do anything' repeatedly.

"To calm the mother nature, we need to ... we need to – " Knox looked around hall of people once again gauging their expression, "- we need to look for a virgin widow and sacrifice her virtue out of a religious bond." Knox made such to whisper in a helpless manner.

The villagers gasped in horror at the solution the witch gave. They were not shocked about the solution itself but they were more worried to find such widow.

The villagers were blind believers of nonsensical values and can do anything if it was not them or their family that was hurting. Cold hearted and idiocy was their mind-set.

"How are we going to find such widow, Sire; and not to forget the Lord. Lord Knight was a very domineering aristocrat and nothing goes unnoticed from his sight. How are we going to do this ritual when just the thought of young Lord makes us shudder in fear?" Hugh, one of the villagers pointed out shivering slightly at the thought of Lord Knight.

The cold blooded villagers can be ruthless but if there was anyone that can kill them with just a virtual thought, it was Lord Knight.

Unlike the Lords of other three regions, Lord Knight holds his kingdom in an iron fist and people can kill themselves rather than commit a mistake that went against Lord Knight's laws. There was no suspicion that the young Lord Knight's rule prospered the region many folds better but he was a law binding person. He was like a shadow that seemed to be lurking in every inch of the region and who can pull out the blunder right away from anywhere.

Even an infant in the Northern region know that going against the Lord's rules was an invitation to a cruel death. He was way more powerful than one could describe. It was no wonder there was never a rebel against his rule or perhaps there was but could not stand longer.

"That was not a concern, Hugh. I am going to meet the Lord in person and would be explaining our rituals to him in detail and seek his approval in this case." The villagers nodded their head thoughtfully and went back to discussing about the available widow women.

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