Chapter 25

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Exhausted and well spent Ella right away drowned into a dreamless sleep. She was feeling so light and peaceful which she shouldn't. She had given in to passion instinctively and what bothered her most was, it felt right.

How come spending a passionate night with an unknown man is so right? So pure?

Who was this person who was always around her in shadows? Who was this person with whom she frequently finds herself in a compromising situation?

Who exactly was Xander?

Why does she feel an air of home around him?

"Sleep well, Ella." She heard Xander whisper in her ear and kiss her forehead and in mere moments she was in a deep sleep.

Xander couldn't take his eyes off the sleeping beauty in his arms. How long has he waited for this divine moment to have her in his arms, close to him, close to his heart.

How long he has dreamt of kissing her all night and day?

It was years of desperation to touch her flowery cheeks, to twirl the locks of her red hair around his fingers, to hug her tightly so she would never leave him again, to kiss her deeply so he could mark her as his.

Now that he has her with him lastly, he was overwhelmed with all the mounded up love and affection for her.

"You are finally with me, My Ella. I had waited for this moment from long years." He murmured to Ella's sleeping figure and continuously kissed her face.

Xander gathered her in his arms close to him tightly and snuggled into her hair, drifting into contented sleep.


The sharp rays of sun woke up Ella with a loud groan. It was late hour in the morning still she wanted to take liberty with herself and sleep a little more. The comfortable soft bed was like weaved with clouds and she doesn't want to open her eyes.

Where was she?

Was she on clouds?

She slowly opened her eyes with a whimper and instantly closed then due to the light that was emitting from the window.


Wasn't that the same window...!

She sat up with a jolt remembering everything that took place the previous night. The blanket fell down from her and cool breeze hit her skin, making her quiver. Looking down, she found herself in a long man shirt with no undergarments.

Where is he? He was not in the bed?

She evidently memorize that the previous night when she was in a heated moment with Xander, hanging to the line of duvets, she was clothed in the pretty gown. Then how was she in a thin fabric of silk shirt in the morning?

Goodness! What had she done? She was married for God's sake!

Why – why did she give in to him yet... yet she felt so good? She shouldn't feel that way. It was a sin. She sinned then why the feel of belonging is overwhelming all her senses.

She touched the silk shirt tenderly with her fingers and sniffed it. It smelt like raindrops in a heavy forest, fresh and wild. It was his smell.

It was how Xander always smelt. Like fresh rain and soil yet a little piquant.

"Miss Rosemane." She heard Lucy coming into the room. Ella arched her head towards the large double doors and found Lucy with a large tray of food in her hands. That was when she realized how famished she was. She was very worn out last night and she need some food right away.

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