Chapter 46

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Returning from the woods, Lord Knight was not himself after he understood the depth of the problem. He along with Lyndon, Xavier, Gode, Lucy and sometimes along with Madonna tried many things to break the magic but nothing helped.

In the next three weeks, while Xander was busy with his wife, trying to save her from impending death, Xavier and Lyndon succeeded to get proof that indeed Knox Garrick was the person behind attacking Ella.

It was also found out that the whole town of Shadowvalor was supporting him in the wrong deed. It later came into light that the deadly venom was made by the town members themselves and the magic was performed by Knox Garrick.

Xander was consumed by the thoughts of destruction and ordered his troop of soldiers to capture each of the Shadowvalor civilian, male or female, young or old, he ordered the whole town should be captured and imprisoned in the dungeons.

Except Knox!

The town head was clever enough to flee from the face of the town soon after he did his work. He was nowhere to seen and many troops of Lord's men were still trying to find him.

While on the other side, Ella's health deteriorated to its words. She got so skinny that the frame of her bones was visible clearly. Her lips were blue and chapped and her body temperature ran cold.

She was almost felt dead... almost if not for the faint air she was exhaling in and out. Gode has been crying profusely, cursing Knox for committing such a sin.

Gode, who had done so much to get her best friend in to the arms of the Lord was totally devastated and lost hope in retrieving her back to life. She felt useless for not being able to save her. Everything she and the Lord tried were futile and nothing was helping her.

"The witch said in not more than two days the dark magic in her body may completely consume the soul power. You know what it means, don't you?" Gode asked softly, tears running freely from her eyes, looking at the lying body of Ella.

Xander did not reply nor did he acknowledge Gode's statement. He was just sitting beside his wife with blank and dead eyes. He tried all of his powers and ability to control the spell but nothing worked. He later came to know that he has a power to shield Ella from such magic spells but only before it was performed. Once it was performed, his abilities does not work anymore.

He was leaning more over the possibility of saving her with his love like Madonna said and ordered his men to bring the holy water from all the religious places in and around the region. They tried to sprinkle holy water on Ella, poured a little in her mouth but it was like not even holy water was answer to it.

He called on the most known priests to look at her and do something to save Ella but they could only slow the consumption of the spell. Even they couldn't exterminate it from her body.

He left the castle responsibility to Lyndon while Xavier was looking over the affairs of the region while Xander was watching over his wife and spending time with her.

He begged, pleaded, ordered, threatened and warned her to wake up but like every other of his attempts, that was a fail too.

"Xander please do something. Please. There must be some other way, please think Xander. You need to save her. She saved you from mouth of death before; if it was possible for her, then why not for you?" Gode's question put Xander into a trance of thoughts.

It was true. If it was possible for Ella to bring him back from hell, then why couldn't he?

It can be done. It was just that he need to know how.

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