Chapter 8

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"Wake up, Ella. Ella. Ella, wake up."

Argh, why was she feeling so much pain in her head? Why was she feeling so faint?

"Ella, wake up." Ella heard again and tried to open her eyes but the bright light of the morning sun is making it difficult.

"Argh, it's my head. It is hurting a lot." Ella said rubbing her eyes and opened her eyes slowly.

What happened to her? Why she was asleep till the sun was on the top of the head? And the headache, it was throbbing.

"What happened? What are you doing here, Gode" She asked her best friend not looking at her and slowly tried to sit.

Ella picked up the tumbler of water and drank it thirstily and sighed in content when the cool water soothed her parched throat.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" Gode raised her voice a little in exasperation. She was so happy that her best friend was finally leaving from the nightmare but when she did not find any hassle in the town that morning, she was a little doubtful and worried what might had happened to Ella and came to check the cabin expecting Ella to be gone.

But all Gode found was her best friend laying on the bed in a good peaceful sleep. Gode was stunned to find Ella in the cabin. What was she doing here? She was supposed to be in the Eastern woods crossing the mountains by the time then why in the God's name was she doing here sleeping so peacefully?

"I? I don't know. Why am I sleeping here?" Ella rubbed her head to calm her throbbing head.

"Yes, Ella. Why are you sleeping here when you should be fleeing from here?" Gode asked in urgency. It was a very good opportunity for Ella to flee away but it got out of hand somehow and she was speechless.

"I do not know. I cannot remember what happened." Ella looked well rested but the thing that she couldn't remember what happened the previous night was terrifying her as well as Gode.

"Last thing I remember was last evening when I visited my husband's grave and bid a goodbye. That was it. From then I couldn't remember anything at all. What happened to me, Gode?" Ella could not remember what happened last night. She was supposed to run away then how come she slept in her room so serenely?

Ella was confused and so was Gode. "You could not remember what happened last night?" Gode asked narrowing her eyes at her friend. Different possibilities were going through her head. Gode was surprised how her plan backfired.

"I think it must be the cunning villagers to keep you still in your place while they were locked. They must have drugged you somehow to be on the safe side. We underestimated their power, Ella. We underrated their thinking." Who else other than the villagers would do that? Gode felt disappointed at herself for not making a sound scheme and not considering the villagers beliefs. She was disappointed that she failed to help her friend given a very good chance.

Ella, on the contrary was not disappointed about not being able to escape but she was more terrified with her thoughts. Was that really the villagers who drugged her or could it be someone else?

She couldn't remember anything but deep down in her heart, a faint voice was telling her that the villagers were not the only ones who was after her. The voice was telling her to reminisce all the moments when felt like she was being watch and many such moments where she someone's presence around her and not to forget those red eyes.

Ella prayed it to be villagers who drugged her or else she was positive that something was going in her life without her intervention.

"You go on with your usual everyday chores for now. I will come up with some other idea by then and this time I would not make the same mistake again." Ella nodded painfully as the throbbing head seems to be mounting with the hot sun burning through the window.

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