Chapter 21

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"I'm scared, Gode." Ella pointed out her concern to her friend. She was on the verge of crying but was holding back.

How she wish she was never this vulnerable and weak!

She wished she was carefree and strong like others.

"Scared? Why?" Gode asked in a feigning confusion while she was trying to conceal the twitch at the corner of her lips.

"The town." Ella looked out of the small window of her cabin and sighed helplessly. "They are keeping a close eye on me from the past few days. It was as if they are making certain I cannot leave anywhere from here." Ella was getting anxious with the behavior of the villagers.

Why were they suddenly so conscious about her? She knew that whenever the villagers were being careful, she was trouble.

Were they planning something for her again?

"Do you think they are going to do something again like they did five years ago?" Tears rolled down her eyes and drenched her heart with immense panic.

Ella doesn't know what to perceive the situation as. The question of what if she was forced to do something again was piercing her heart. The villagers being cruel and selfish can easily make her submit to their wishes.

What would happen to her then?

No, she cannot be a patsy again and be a part of their sins but she cannot run away from there even if she wished too. She always wanted to run away far and lead a life of peace but she couldn't with the villagers having her in close watch.

This is not what she wished her life to be. She might as well lead her life in this cabin with her husband's grave until natural death embrace her than get butchered by the selfish people again and again.

Why couldn't they realize that she was a human too and she feels pain too? From whatever they were doing, they might not kill her physically or hurt her bodily but they were pricking her with pain every moment of her living.

Can't they understand a simple thing that she could feel hurt too? Are they that blind to notice anything other than their own motives?

"Do not fret. The villager's temporary shelter was just on the other side of the hill so it is not odd to find them loitering here and there. They must be looking for place to make another hut possibly." What Gode said was true. She knew what her friend said was not completely incorrect but somehow she could feel the danger closing in towards her.

She could feel the threat making its way into her life in shadows. Was she just fretting with no good sense?

"Do not imagine notions, Ella. You are safe and I don't think you have anything else to offer to the town if the need arise." Gode convinced Ella with a nonchalant pat on her shoulder and smirked once she turned away from her.

"Gode, you should go to your aunt's and live there." Ella said suddenly holding Gode's hands in hers. Her hands were shivering in unease.

"Are you throwing me out of your cabin, now?" Gode asked playfully.

"No dear friend. I would like nothing more than you staying here with me but what if the town is really trying something against me then you will be in danger." Tears rolled Ella's cheeks and pain was clear in her eyes.

"Last time they killed my family and if there is really something against me then - I don't want to lose you, Gode. Please go and stay with your aunt, I beg you." Ella could not forget the way her family was burned alive in their hut. Her little brother was just eight years old and the town burned him too without any hesitation. Her brother was her life.

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