Fairy Tail Fairy Tales

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Hello! ^_^/ So, thanks for checking out this book!
In this, I'm going to do a lot of different things. Instead of having one long story, I'm going to do a bunch of little random ones! All Fairy Tail related (as the title says XD). It will contain one-shots, short stories, and mostly requests! :D


* I do not write DorEndy. Sorry, that's the only ship in the entire fandom I can't get behind, so it's literally the only one I won't write (Or anything with Wendy and older guys/girls).
* Anything else if fair game! (Yes, even yaoi and yuri pairings!)
* Only one request per person, please. It makes it more fair to everyone who wants one, especially since I can only take so many at a time.
* I am slow. Terribly slow. So it may take me a while to get to your request if it is later in the list. I apologize in advance, but I'm just letting you know so you don't think I forgot about you! I haven't, I just suck and take forever. XD


Thanks so much for the support everyone! These requests are really a lot of fun, and hopefully I'll be able to do all f your requests justice! :3

<3 Chello

Fairy Tail Fairy TalesWhere stories live. Discover now