Chapter 2

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I was currently outside on top of the hood on my momma car while rolling up some blunts. My momma went somewhere with my sperm donor and lexis was still in the house sleep.

Somebody or something hit the hood of the car. I looked up and it was a little boy he looked bad as fuck. I looked around and I ain't see nobody.

"What you want where yo parents." He ain't say nothing and I just shrugged. I picked him up and put him up there with me.

"So, you don't talk or nothing." He looked at me. "DRACO WHERE THE HELL YOU AT." He started laughing.

I saw Kalani coming over here. "Wassup." She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"Draco what I tell yo ass about running off." He just laughed and he pointed to my phone. I unlocked it and gave it to him.

"This yo son." She mugged me hella hard and then rolled her eyes. "They going to get stuck." She stuck her middle finger.

"No, that ain't my child that's yb son you should know that aint you a fan of YoungBoy." He did look like yb when you think about it.

I shrugged "I never paid attention to his kids but where them niggas at anyway." I rolled all the blunt and I put them behind my ears.

"They in the house playing the game and being assholes." I nodded and got down and got Draco. I held him and turned the car off and locked the doors and we went inside the house.

These niggas were in the living room yelling at the game. I still was holding Draco. "Well, aint y'all the happiest couple." I mugged baby joe.

"And we are and this my future wife so shut yo ole chicken nugget face ass up." He stuck the middle finger up at me.

I put Draco down and sat down and he sat down beside me while watching videos on YouTube. "Say yb Moni just stole yo son." I chuckled at Ben.

"Man, shut yo stupid ass up man." Ben mugged yb and then went back to the game. Draco tried to give me my phone looked at it.

"Just ignore it." He ignored it and went back to his video. "I'm bout go to the store." I heard Kalani say I got up and she looked at me.

"I'm coming." She rolled her eyes. I got Draco and we walked out to the car. I put him in his seat, and I got in and waited on Kalani to get in.

"Hurry yo slow ass on." She mugged me and got in. She mumbled something and drove off I just ignored her.

Draco tried to give me my phone I got it, and it was lexis. "Where you at." She asked.

"Good morning to you to." She mumbled something.

"Bitch where the fuck you at just answer the god damn question." I rolled my eyes.

"Nigga stop yelling and I'm at the store I'll be back later." I hung up.

I gave the phone back to Draco. "Don't answer the phone for nobody just ignore it." He nodded.

"But Kalani why you keep playing like you don't want me." She started laughing.

"Cause I don't you look like you to much drama." I shook my head. She pulled up at Wal-Mart and parked the car.

"But I'm not it's just one small thing but I might change my number alright and I know that's not all." We both got out and I got Draco.

"Ok but I bet you got all types of bitches and that is all." I laughed at her.

"Yea I got bitches that want me, but I want you so what's the problem you got a boyfriend or something." She started smirking.

"Yea I do." I sucked my teeth at ha. "Man, no yo ass don't cause if you did you would have said that yesterday, but I'll take you away from yo mans and beat his ass." She ain't say nun.

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