Chapter 38

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A few days later....


"I know it's the last day and all but try not to get in trouble just have fun ight." I looked at red who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Alright I'm not going to get caught." I glared and him and he started laughing while putting his hands up in surrender.

"Fine I won't get in any trouble." I rolled my eyes. "Get the fuck out my car." I unlocked the doors. He got out and walked towards I'm guessing his lil friends.

I drove off to lexis house to drop the kids off so she can take them to kalani. The only child she didn't take is princess cause she's my responsibility, plus tomorrow is Cj funeral this is just too much for me and her.

I parked my car in front lexis house and besides hers which I got her like last week. I got out and got Aaron while Amir and princess was already at the door knocking.

By the time I walked up to the house lexis was standing in the doorway. "You know you going to have to talk to her at some point." She said while I was walking in the house, and she took Aaron from me.

"I know and Ima do it when I'm ready the shit he let come out ha mouth is uncalled for and is going to make me beat ha ass and she better not have that ugly ass nigga around my kids." I closed ha door and went and sat on the couch.

"So, what's going to happen when they get serious and he wanna finally meet the kids." I looked at her like she was crazy.

"I don't give a fuck if he was Obama and I fucks wit Obama cause the nigga trump can fight me but no he not meeting my kids he better not even think of them hell nah." She rolled her eyes, and I can careless.

"But those are her kids to." I shrugged. "So, he needs to stop tryin to play step daddy, like yb said I aint playing step daddy to nobody kids and aint nobody else playing step daddy to mine he better go make his own kids." I heard her suck ha teeth and mumble something.

"Whatever but whatchu doing today." She asked. "Nun go to the studio wit the gang and then go pick red up from school hopefully he don't get in trouble today." She nodded.

"Well, I'm finna go drop them off make sure to lock the door, don't smoke in here, and try not to eat all my snacks I still have to go to the store." I nodded.

"You sound like dad speaking of dad have you talked to him." She shook her head yea.

"Oh, that's what I wanted to tell you dad said he wanted to talk to you about something." I nodded.

"Come on Amir." Amir and princess came running down the stairs. Princess sat by me while they left.

"We are going on a little trip." She smiled and nodded. We left but not before taking some of lexis snacks.

I drove to the studio, and I saw everybody car in the parking lot. Me and princess got out the car and went inside. "Hello my fellow negros." I waved at everybody.

I sat in a chair and princess sat next to me, I gave her my phone. "Alright for the people that don't know this is Moni."

"Moni this Montana and his son doo and this ddawg." I dapped both them up.

"Alright so you can write however many songs you want and ill just go over them." I nodded. I got a piece of paper and a pencil.

Something nobody knows is that I use to write music not for someone just for fun and somehow yb found my book with some songs I wrote.

I was done with the first song we was just finding a beat. "Oh, yea I like that one right there." I spoke. Yb got up and went in the booth and started recording.

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