Chapter 32

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"She didn't tell any of you where she was going." They all shook they head no. I just sat on the couch and cried.

Armoni left with the kids, and nobody has talked to her since last night. She won't answer her phone also red. This is all my fault I didn't want her to find out like that.

I can't even be mad at her. I accused her of cheating then my 'friend' tried to take her from me then she found out I had 2 abortions. I got up.

"Can yall just leave I just want to be alone right now." I went to my room and laid down and started crying until I cried myself to sleep.


"Where are we." Red asked waking up. I glanced at him and then at the road. "You'll find out just chill and enjoy the ride. We taking a lil trip from everybody." He nodded and then stared out the window.

I pulled into IHOP so they can eat. We were going to Texas for a while but not long. I found a parking space. I got Aaron and his car seat and woke Amir up. We walked inside and sat a bench.

"How many." The waitress asked. "3." I told her, she nodded and told us to follow her. We got a seat in the back it had a big ass window back there.

"So, where we and why." Red asked once we sat down. "Were in Texas and we here cause I need space from everybody, and I need to think. Plus, I wanted to spend time with all my children." He nodded.

"Daddy where's mommy." Amir said looking at me. I rubbed my face before looking at him. "She's home we are on a little trip alright." He nodded.

We ordered our food and I fed Aaron. When we were done, I put 100 dollars on the table and then we left. I drove to the house I rented out. It was really to surprise kalani and the kids, but you see how that ended. It's a two-story house with 5-bedroom 5 bathroom and pool outside, game room and theater.

"So, what yall wanna do tomorrow cause today we gotta go to the mall." We were all in the living room watching tv.

"The zoo then sky zone." I nodded. I went to go lay Aaron down since he went to sleep. I made sure I put pillows around him so he wouldn't fall. I went back downstairs and sat with them.

"Alright after I take a lil nap we going to the mall then grocery shopping." They both nodded staring a whole into the tv, I chuckled and went upstairs. I made it to the room and moved Aaron over to the other side of the bed. I laid next to him and just thought about what I was going to do about this whole situation I can't just not let Kalani see the kids when she took care of them when I was gone. Ima stay down here for like two more weeks and then go back down there.

I just decided to let sleep take over cause I felt like I was thinking about it too much.


I woke up and looked at my phone and took it off airplane mode. It was like 3 something going on 4 in the afternoon. I looked next to me, and Aaron was gone so I got up and went downstairs. Aaron, Amir, and red was in the living room watching boondocks on tv.

"Yall ready to go to the mall." I asked they all looked towards me and got up.

"Yea we ready." I took out my phone and cleared all my notifications and slid it back in my pocket. "Ight put yall shoes on." I took Aaron from red and went upstairs. I put my shoes on and made sure I got a bottle and stuff for Aaron. I went back downstairs and they was ready.

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