Chapter 25

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What it's been a month since my baby shower. I'm huge I'm tired. I'm just ready for this little boy to get up out of me and we going to have a serious talk about him kicking me and shit.

We were all in the living room watching a movie while eating chips with whip cream, it was like 12 something in the afternoon. "You are so nasty." I mugged Kentrell.

"And you are so ugly, but do you hear me complain." I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my chips. Once I was done, I went in the kitchen to throw away the bag and put the whip cream back. I grabbed something to drink and was walking out the kitchen.

"Boo." I jumped and ended up spilling my juice on the floor. I sucked my teeth. "Dang I scared you that bad you peed on yourself." I frowned and looked down before gasping.

"I think my water broke." I grabbed his hand and he helped me. We walked to the living room, and I groaned.

"What's wrong with her." I mugged them all. "This dumbass scared me and my water br-." I groaned.

"Come on y'all just standing y'all dumbasses there." We went to the car. I made sure that they got the bag for the hospital.

We finally got there, and they took me to the labor and delivery side.


"Boss we got a location of where red is." I was happy but i didn't show it I just nodded. I looked at the time and it was around 10 something in the morning.

"Alright tell everyone I said to strap up and be ready by the time I get there." He nodded and left out my office. I sat back in my chair.

"Thank god." I mumbled. I got my phone and got up. I went downstairs and everyone was ready. "Alright shoot anybody but my son. If y'all see chase or Cj shoot them somewhere they won't die. And if any of you fuck up Ima kill y'all on site, get in the vans."

Everybody got in the vans and the boy who told me that they found red was driving while I was in the passenger seat. When we got there, it was going on 11:30 I knew this place was far.

"Remember the plan." Everybody nodded and we got out. I counter to 3 and on 3 we all bombed rushed inside. I immediately went to the basement cause you know that's where they usually be in the movies.

I went down there, and I saw red chained to a chair. I went to him and took the tape off his mouth. He was beat up badly.

"Red you alright I'm sorry I gotchu into this shit." I hugged him. "It's alright just get me out of this shit."

"Look what we got here you didn't think we would just let you take him without kicking your ass." Cj came and tackled me to the floor. She pinched me in my face. That shit hurt.

I pushed her back and kicked her in her ribs I heard a couple of them crack. I was punched in the face again but not by Cj it was chase. I fell and they started jumping me. I couldn't get up.

That's when I heard two-gun shots. They stopped and fell. I got up with the help of Debo. I looked down at Cj and chase they had both got shot in the leg. I went to red and uncuffed him. I had people get chase and Cj and bring them to the warehouse.

My phone started ringing. "Hello."

"Nigga what's wrong with yo- you know what never mind just get yo ass to the hospital kalani about to have the baby." He hung up.

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