Chapter 26

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"Are you ready kalani." I rolled my eyes, and I heard her sigh. We were getting ready to leave the hospital I've been here for 2 days.

"I'll just get Aaron and meet you in the car." I nodded without looking at her and made sure I got all my stuff and Aaron stuff.

"Why you giving her a hard time kalani she really does love you." I turned around and Ryan was behind me. I sighed and sat down on the bed, and she came and sat next to me.

"I don't know i really want to be mad at her, but I can't. I'm not angry at her I'm just angry at the fact that she left and made it seem like she was dead. I thought I was never going to see her again and then I end up pregnant. I thought my life was going to be over and I don't think she understands that she lied to me." I wiped tears that had fallen. Ryan's came and pulled me in a hug.

"I love her so much and I just don't want to lose her again she doesn't understand that I need her she's part of who I am. Without her I feel empty. I just don't want her to leave me for somebody else or because of her past I want her to be able to tell me anything." I wiped my face with the tissue she gave me.

"Then you need to tell her how you feel kalani you just can't keep that stuff inside it will end up hurting you and Moni loves you trust me she does." She hugged me again.

"Now come on before she brings her ass up here." I nodded and got the stuff. 

We got to the house and walked inside. "Kalani." I turned around facing Moni.

"I know you mad at me, but can I show you something." I nodded. She picked up Aaron and I followed her to one of the rooms in the house. She opened the door, and I covered my mouth.

Aaron's room was done. It was so beautiful. She laid him down in his crib and came towards me. " I did while you was in the hospital but I'm sorry kalani I love you and our kids; I wasn't thinking of the affect that it would have on yall." She said while she had her head in my neck.

"You heard what me and Ryan were talking about." She nodded. I lifted her head and made her look at me.

"Let's talk to the living room so we won't wake up Aaron and where is red and Amir." We started walking to the room.

"Amir is with my sister and my dad and red is with Kendal."

"When did all this happen." I asked confused. "While you were in the hospital." We got to the living room and sat on the couch.

"So, what did you want to talk about." She asked. I looked at her. "I want to talk about you leaving, I feel like you don't understand what you put me threw when you left. I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad or to think that I'm still mad at you, I just want you to understand how I feel and how I felt when you left." She nodded.

"Moni, I feel like you going to leave me for real for somebody else or something going to happen to you, and I love you so much. I just want to be a family I want to gain a relationship with red." She smiled.

"I want to be a family too. I love you plus we gotta have another boy and a girl." I looked at her making her laugh.

"Hell, baby I ain't having no kids no time soon, you got me all the way fucked up plus you gotta wait 6 weeks anyway." I rolled my eyes.

"Ight keep playing that aint nun I'll be counting." She got up. "Where you going." I asked.

"To your brother house to get the boys meaning Kendal and red they spending the night." I nodded and she left.

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