Chapter 30

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"Kalani you gotta get up you can't just be sitting in the bed all day every day." I sniffed and continued to lay down.

"I really care for her, and she goes and do this and then lied about it in my face." I whipped some tears.

"Then she doesn't care about you if she willing to step out yall relationship and lie your face without giving a fuck." I looked at Madison.

"I know but I love her to death, and I told her how I felt when she came back." Ryan rubbed my back in circles.

"Look yall just take a break and we could go out to eat or something." I nodded. 

"That would be nice,  kalani just know I'm beating Moni ass for messing with yo heart." Ryan said before rolling her eyes.

"Also, we going to get fucked up alright to make you feel better." I laughed at Ryan she was trying to twerk knowing damn well she cat but she always knows how to cheer me up.

"Alright we going tomorrow ill text yall later i have to go to work." Me and Ryan nodded and hugged her. She left and it was just Ryan and me. I put on our show the walking dead.

"Go get the ice cream Ryan." I paused it and she ran downstairs literally. She came back with the whole thing and two spoons.

I didn't have nothing to worry about because Amir was with Armoni's sister Alexis and Aaron was with my mom. We both ended up going to sleep.

The next day...

"Wake up kalani." I opened my eyes and Ryan was standing over me I jumped a little.

"I have something to tell you." I looked at her. "Yb wants everybody
at his house we having a lil get together so he bringing drinks and shit." I nodded.

"Thats fine with me." I shrugged and went in the bathroom and did all my hygiene and stuff. I went downstairs and saw Aaron.

"Aww look at my little handsome little boy." I took him from my mom and started tickling him and he was laughing.

"Mommy I thought I was yo handsome little boy." I stopped and looked down Amir was staring at me with a frown on his face. I laughed.

"Nope you are my handsome man." He smiled and came and hugged me. I smiled.

I put Arron down since he knew how to crawl. I looked at my phone and it was almost 2 something in the afternoon we wasn't going till 9 something tonight. We all went to the mall and out to eat.

Later on that day...


It was almost a quarter to 9 and me and the boys were going over the plan. "Alright the girls said they was on her way I checked all of the cameras to make sure they was on and some drinks and chips. Everything is set up and I want everybody to act normal around her. " We all nodded.

I sat on the couch and scrolled threw Instagram until they came. I just had on some jeans a red shirt and my air force ones. I sighed and sat back before putting my phone in my pocket.

"Calm down Moni everything is going yo be alright and Ima make sure." I nodded. Yb sat next to me.

"I'm sorry about what I said yesterday I was just mad and worried. I don't like to see my sister cry. I know you love her especially after what you said yesterday. I'm pretty sure she loves you to she's just hurt and she's going to be more hurt when she finds out about Madison. Look what I'm trying to say is I always felt the need to protect my sister, but I realized that I can't always be here to save or protect her from everything or everybody that's where you come in I trusted you enough to do that for me." I looked at him.

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