Chapter 9

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It was the day that we go to Compton I told my dad and I had already told red that we were coming yesterday, and I told him to be ready, but Amir is coming with me too. For the past week I've got attached to him, he acts just like me. Me and Kalani have been doing good so far but now were packing about to go.

"Babe are y'all ready cause I don't feel like hearing Kentrell complain." I nodded.

"Amir come get yo suitcase." I heard him running to me. He popped up and grabbed his suitcase.

"Alright let's go." We left the house and we to yb house.

"Baby I'm home." I yelled threw the house and went to the living room and everybody was in there.

I sat on yb lap. "Babe are you happy to see me." He mugged me and pushed me on the floor.

"Bro stop wit dat gay shit." Everybody started laughing. I got up and stood up.

"Y'all ready and got enough clothes for this weekend." We all nodded and got our stuff. We left yb house and drove to go get the tour bus.

"Baby." She looked over at me annoyed. I smirked.

"What you want." I picked my lips.

"I want some pu-." I was cut off by Kalani. She mugged me then pointed to Amir.

"You wild Moni, you better stop before Kalani beat yo ass." I sucked my teeth and waved him off.

"She an It going to beat shit." Baby Joe laughed and Kalani slapped the back of my head.

"Stop playing wimme keep hitting me and shit, Ima slap the fuck outchu." She rolled her eyes and mugged me.

"Man bring tall asses on for I leave y'all niggas." We walked to the tour bus and went inside.

"Come on Amir." He held his hands up, I picked him up and we sat in the back next to Kalani.


After that long ass ride and a good ass nap we were finally in Compton, but we stopped at a corner store. I used to always come here. I got my bag and put my bullet proof vest on cause like I said niggas coming for my head.

Amir was still sleep so I went inside with Kalani, baby joe, and yb. The rest of them stayed inside the bus.

"Nigga why the fuck you got a bullet proof vest on." I sucked my teeth.

"I got niggas coming after me, so I got to have this and my heat on me." Yb chuckled.

We went inside the store.

"Wassup Moni." The cashier said.

"Wassup Chris." We shook hands.

"Where you been nigga haven't seen you in a while, I thought them niggas gotchu." I sucked my teeth.

"Now Chris you know that I ain't going out like that, but I moved but we down here for a show." He nodded.

"Everything on the house for you and yo fam." I nodded and went to the back and get what I always get and some snacks for Amir.

"Aye wassup Moni." I up and it was chase and cj the only two people I use to fuck with.

"Wassup fools."  I shook up with both if them.

"What you doing down here you know them niggas looking for you." Chase said.

"I know but my home boy have a show down here." They both nodded and I motioned to Kalani.

"Aye you know Tara been down here and she had a lil boy with her." I nodded and rolled my eyes.

"I know cause nigga that lil boy my son but she brung him like Monday or something like that."

"So that's why you got on this damn bullet proof vest nigga." I laughed and nodded.

"He'll yea fuck boys ain't bout to catch me slipping." I shook my head.

"Aye Moni yo bad ass son want you and you better tell him to stop kicking me." Kd yelled to me. I laughed.

Amir came up running to me. I picked him up and gave him some fruit snacks.

"Aye you know they caught red slipping the other day right." I tensed up.

"No, I just talked to him yesterday he said he was bool and we talked about a few things." They both shook their heads.

"No, they found his body today." I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair.

"Whay my nigga he was only 14 that was like my son. I raised that nigga like my son." I took a deep breath before

"Alright I want y'all to call Debo and tell him I said to get them niggas and drive them to Louisiana, but I want y'all to send them after I get off this tour, so I'll call yall and tell Debo to call me too." They nodded and went and got they stuff and left.

I was pissed but I wouldn't let it show because of Kalani and u didn't want her to worry.

"Y'all ready to go." I asked. They all nodded and me and Amir got on the bus and sat where we were before.

The bus started moving eventually a and I just sat back. My phone started ringing and I knew it was Debo so I answered it.

"Wassup nigga." I got up.

"Wassup fam haven't heard from you in a while, but you heard what happened to red.

"Yea that's shit fucked up but that's what I called you for. I need you to find the niggas who did it then call me. I'll even pay you."

"Nah fam you ain't gotta pay me cause I knew how close you and red was. That lil nigga was yo son but I gotchu." I chuckled.

"Ight I'll talk to you later." I hung up and sighed and put my phone in my pocket.

"These niggas really want me gone and to suffer." I whispered to myself. I sat back down.

"What's wrong baby." Kalani said and cradled my lap. She laid her head on my chest.

"Niggas want me dead but I ain't going out like that, I can't go out like that. It just feels like life is going downhill." I closed my eyes.

"Aye Moni you got a lighter." I opened my eyes and Bennie was standing in front of us.

I nodded and went in my pocket and gave him the lighter. He lit the blunt and gave the lighter back and went in the front.

"Armoni they ain't going to get you cause I know you ain't going to let them. Everything isn't going downhill cause you got Amir me and the gang we are here for you." She looked up at me and kissed me.

"I know and I'm thankful for that." I said once we pulled away.

"So, what's going on that got you thinking like that." She asked. I felt tears coming down, but I wouldn't let them.

"His name was red. He was like my son I raised him like my son ever since he was like 2, I had found him in an alley, and I took him in like he was mine. I loved him to death nothing could break us apart. But them niggas shot him, and they just found his body today. It's so fucked up bro." I sighed.

"Moni it's going to be alright god got you yea he did this for a reason but Moni I'm here to support you. He's in a better place, so you don't have to worry if he's ok or not he's forever ok." I nodded.

She pecked my lips.

"No what is you doing that ain't no real kiss girl." She laughed and then kissed me for real.

"Moni." I looked down at her.

"Don't do nothing crazy." I chuckled.

"I won't I'm just going to fuck up the city like I did before I moved."

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