Chapter 34

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I woke up with the worst headache in history. I need to stop drinking before I be a alcoholic. I looked in my pocket and pulled out my phone. I had a miss call from my dad. I sighed and got up.

I went to the bathroom I really need to buy me a house cause this hotel aint going to cut it. I walked out the bathroom when I finished my hygiene and took a shower.

Just as I was putting my shirt on my phone started ringing.

"Wassup." I said putting on my shoes.

"When are you coming."

"I'm coming, I just have to do something."

"Alright." He hung up. I sighed and got my charger and keys and my clothes. I walked out the room and down to the lobby. It was a group of girls staring at me, but I wasn't really paying attention.

I walked to my car and got inside. I put all my stuff in the passenger side when somebody started knocking on my window. I looked up and it was one of them girls that was staring at me in the lobby.

I rolled the window down.  "What can I do for you." She started smiling and shit. I just looked at her with a straight face.

"I just wanted to say hi and that I'm a huge fan of you and NBA YoungBoy." I nodded and started rolling up. She was making my headache worse.

"Alright I'll tell him you said hi but I gotta go." I rolled my window up and pulled out the parking lot. I drove to the trap.

I got out my car before getting my phone and I put the blunt behind my ear. I walked up the steps and walked inside past the bodyguards. I went to my office. I went to sit in my chair.

I pressed the button that's next to my desk that connects to Debo's office. "Debo, can you come to my office." I asked.

"Ugh yea I'm coming." I nodded and pulled out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. I heard somebody knock on my door.

"Come in." I looked up and it was Debo. He came and sat in one of the chairs that's in front of my desk.

"Uhm I was going to ask you to get somebody to look for a couple of houses for me." He nodded and I got up.

"Where you going." He asked also getting up. "I have to go to this little meeting with lani and Beenie." I rubbed my face. I took the blunt from behind my ear and got my lighter. I lit it and inhaled it. He nodded and left out the office and I left a couple minutes after him.

I got to my car and unlocked. I got inside and closed the door. I started the car up and put the blunt in my ash tray. I drove off towards the house.

I got out my car and locked it. "Daddy." I looked up and Amir was running towards me with red walking behind him. I picked him up and threw my arm around red shoulder.

"So, what do yall want to do this weekend since red and mommy
has to go to school." We walked towards the house.

"Can we go to the beach." I nodded. "Alright we can go on Sunday, and I'll ask your uncles and my siblings." They both nodded.

"Can princess come over to please." I laughed and nodded again. We walked inside and Beenie, my mom, kalani, and my dad was in the living room. I sighed and sat down on the couch.

"Amir and red go in your room please." Red nodded and left, and I tried to let Amir down, but he wouldn't let go.

"Come on Amir I'm still going to be here." He still was clinging on to me. I picked him up and walked to his room.

"Amir Ima be in the living room with mommy ok if you need me just come in there alright." He nodded and hugged me before going to watch tv.

I stood up and left out his room and walked back to the living room. Lani was playing with Aaron. "Sit down Moni." I sat down.

"Ma can you take the kids somewhere out the house please." She nodded and got the kids and left she also took Aaron. My dad looked at me I knew he was pissed I just sat there silent looking at the floor.

"So, tell me what happened last night." Beenie told me what happened, and he looked at me. "So, we do this shit again I told you to stop drinking cause you do dumb shit. We went over this." He stood up and I stood up and backed up.

"I know it's just I'm fucked up I'm having flashbacks and shit its making me angry then sad." I kept backing up until my back hit the wall and I slid down it. I put my head in my hands.

"Moni why you aint just tell us that you know we would have helped you." Cause by I didn't want any if yall to treat me different." Nobody said anything.

"I'm sorry kalani about the whole situation. I was mad but I was really mad at what happened to me before I got here. I understand if you don't want to be together." I wiped my face.

"But that's the problem I want to be together, but I just need some time like you. We need to just focus on the kids right now." I nodded my head telling her I understand.

My phone started ringing and I took it out my pocket.

"Wassup." I tilted my head on the wall.

"Wassup I got like a couple of addresses for you." I sighed.

"Ight Ima come by there." I hung up. I got just as my momma and the kids walked in the living room. I was getting ready to leave.

"Where you going." I looked down and Amir was standing in front of the door. "I'm going to go look at houses so when I come and get yall don't have to sleep in a hotel." I rubbed in his curly hair.

"You taking me to." I nodded and picked him up. "Red you going." He nodded his head yes and went to the car. Aaron was sleep in my mom arms.

"I'll bring them back later." She nodded and I walked out the house with Amir. I unlocked the car so they could get in. I started the car once everybody was settled in and I pulled out the driveway.

"Put this address in the gps." I told red and he nodded. I followed the gps to the house

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