Chapter 15

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I woke up early this morning to make breakfast cause I didn't go to school due to being so sore. Armoni ate and left she said she had to take care of something also Amir should be coming soon.

Currently I was watching tv waiting for Amir. After a while the doorbell rung, and I got up. I went to the door and opened it and I was greeted with a hug from Amir.

"I missed you too buddy." I told him before picking him up. Soon lexis came and she looked tired.

"You ight girl you look tired." She nodded and gave me his bag.

"Yea that lil boy is just a handful just like Moni." I nodded. Amir and lexis said goodbye to each other. I closed the door and locked it and put Amir down he ran to his room, and I put his bag on his bed.

To be honest I was tired and just wanted to sleep, while Amir played with his to toys. My phone started ringing and it was Armoni.

"Hello." I spoke.

"Hey baby I just called to check on you and Amir also to tell you I'm not going to be home until late this evening."

"Alright well I'm probably going to cook dinner for tonight." I said thinking of what I was going to cook.

"Alright babe I'll call you later when I'm coming home." I said ok and hung up. I continued to watch tv until I fell asleep.


I was sleeping good until somebody knocked on the door. I checked my phone, and it was almost 4 I did a mini tantrum but still got up. I opened the door. "Marcus, what are you doing here." I asked him.

If you may not know Marcus is the person that came to yb house and pulled out the gun.

"I just wanted to talk." I rolled my eyes and put my hand on my hip.

"The last time you came to my house you pulled out a gun on my girlfriend." He scratched the back of his head.

"I know that's what I need to talk to you about so can I come in." I moved out the way for him and told him to sit on the couch.

"Hold on I'll be back I need to get something out my room." He nodded and I went to my room and went to go get a jacket cause it was cold ass hell in this house.

When I got it and turned around Marcus was behind me. I jumped back and took a deep breath.

"Why you do that." He ain't say nothing so I tried to move around him, but he stepped in front of me. I was scared cause I didn't know what he was capable of.

I tried to run across the need, but he grabbed my foot and I fell on my back. He hovered over me, and I started crying.

"Stop please." I begged. He ignored me and pulled down his pants and boxers before doing the same to me. I started squirming and crying more. "Stoooppp." I managed to tell. There was a knock on my room door, and I knew it was Amir. "Kalani are you alright." Malik stopped trying to put his dick in me and looked at me. "Yea baby I'm alright go back and play with your toys and close your door." He said ok and I heard his footsteps go away.

"You scream and I'll kill you." He plunged into me and started raping me and I tried to get out his grip, but he was stronger than me. He soon stopped.

"See if you would have gave it up when I asked then this would have happened." He left and I just laid there silently crying. I got up and changed my sheets and went to take a shower. After I was done, I put on Armoni shirt and joggers and laid back down. I really just wanted to lay with Moni.

There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I knew it was Amir. He walked in and made his way to the bed.

"Can I sleep with you." I nodded. He got on the bed and laid in front of me and fell asleep. I just silently cried again.

My phone rung and I knew it was Armoni cause if the ringtone.

"Hello." I said trying to make my voice sound normal.

"Yea you ight."

"Uhh yea I just woke up." I said trying to convince her.

"O ok but I'm on my way home now."

"O ok me and Amir will be in our room sleep."

"Alright I'll see you when I get there." She hung up and I closed my eyes. Tears fell down my face and I wiped them and got myself together before Armoni got here.

I sighed and laid back down to go to sleep.


I was on my way home so I can just lay down cause today was exhausting. We were trying to find Cj, and chase cause it's like they disappeared from the face of earth, but I got people looking for they ass.

I made it to the house. I got out my car and locked all the doors. I went inside the house and all the lights were off, so I knew they was sleep.

I went to our room and Kalani was sleep with Amir, I smiled at that. I'm also happy that Kalani didn't leave me when Amir came it probably would have been hard on me. I shook Kalani and she jumped back like she saw a ghost, once she saw it was me, she jumped onto me and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her.

I pulled away and went to go take a shower so I could lay down. I looked at my phone and it was almost 6. I took a shower for like 15 minutes and got out and just put a sports bra on and joggers. I left out the bathroom and Kalani laid back down and I realized that she had on my shirt and joggers.

I laid next to her, and we all cuddled up together. "I love you." Kalani said. I ain't say nothing at first.

"I love you too." I kissed her cheek. I really do live Kalani I can down my whole life with her. I thought. We both fell asleep.

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