Chapter 24

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We got in and went to Wal-Mart cause I had to get more drinks and probably some chips. We made it to the store, and we walked to the snack isle. "Just get all and any chips so that she would have leftovers for the house." They nodded and we put any and all kind of chips in the cart.

Next, we went to the drinks isle. "What the fuck."


"What's wrong with---ohhhh." Kd said while coming behind me along with baby joe.

"Wassup niggas." I just stared at her and shook my head. "Nah you can't be real you died by your fake mom."

"Damn it hurts when you say it like that." Draco hopped out my arms and ran to mini. "Well, I'm much alive." She came walking to us. She put Draco down and I punched the shit outta her.

"I deserve that." Kd went up to him and punched her in the stomach. "I deserve that too." She groaned. We all looked at baby joe and he was looking at min I while shaking his head.

"Why you leave." She sighed. "Debo send some guys to pay for their stuff and put it in their car also drove it to the warehouse I'll be coming there." She said into I'm guessing is an earpiece.

Soon two boys came and took the stuff. "Come on follow me." She picked up Draco and we followed her outside to the car. We got in and she drove us to this big warehouse. We got out and followed her inside.

"Debo." She yelled. "Wassup Moni." He said coming from down a hallway. "I need you to go check on kalani for me then come back." He nodded and left. She began going towards some stairs and we ain't say nothing just followed her.

"Well what yall want to know." She kicked her feet up on the desk with Draco on her lap.

"Why you fake your death." She ran her hand over her face.


"Why you fake your death leave us leave Amir and kalani." I looked down at Draco. I know y all probably upset at me for faking my death, but I got a good reason.

"Yall remember them studs I showed y all at the store when we went to Compton." They all nodded.

"I found out that they have red at this warehouse, but nobody knows where, but we should be finding out soon. They are against me because they want me to give them my gang but I was going to give it to Debo so they took red, then I found out that my mom was on in it to I don't know why but they planned to kill me and red, so I let her-." I was interrupted by this boy that works for me came busting through the door looking tired.

"What the fuck do you want." I asked, he tried to catch his breath. "" I quickly stood up.

"Is anybody hurt." He shook his head. "No, it was chase and Cj crew shooting in the air while driving by." I nodded.

"I want people watching that house 24/7 and my pops house." He nodded and walked out.

"How did you fake yo death cause I know I saw yo body at the funeral." I smirked.

"Well, I took some medication that makes my heartbeat slow down and causes me to be sleepy and I played the doctors also at the funeral when everybody left, I climbed on the casket." I laughed.

"You know kalani is going to kill you right." I nodded and sighed. "I know she going to be my ass and probably not want to be together, but I did this for her they threatened to kill her, and Amir and I know they would they killed this man entire family because the man stepped on one of their shoes. Don't tell kalani that I'm alive please just give me a few more months."

"Just promise that you going to come back when the baby is born." I nodded. "You know I gotta see my lil man and Amir, I miss them, but Ima come visit Amir but she kalani sleep. Plus, always remember I'm watching yall." I got up and pick Draco up and went downstairs while they followed me.

"Um boss we got a video call coming in." I gave Draco to yb. "Alright play it." He nodded and played the video.

"Wassup Moni I know you alive you can't hide forever when I got yo dear old son red." They showed red I atomically got angry he was all bruised up.

"Moni, I know you want red but you gotta give me something in return though you know what I want or it's your family I don't want to hurt your unborn son and your baby mother along with Amir."

I see red smile telling me he's alright for now. "Don't give it to them they pussy anyway if y all really wanted the gang, then y all would face my dad like real niggas." He laughed, I laughed to.

"Shut up." Cj yelled. "Stop yelling at my son Cj you already fucked up when you kidnapped him."

"Moni when was he your son if he was you would already have had him by now." She laughed.

"Go find your parents first then yall could talk about having real parents." Red said. Chase had slapped him. I got even more angry.

"I'll think about giving it to y'all alright." They look amused. "Alright we will give you 2 weeks until then we will keep punishing your son." They hung up. I threw the iPad.

"Aww man that was my iPad." I quickly turned around and went up to the boy who said it.

"I don't give a fuck if it was yo momma iPad bitch ass lil boy. Yo iPad ain't what's important right now my son is and the next time they call I want y'all to trace it that what y'all asses should have been doing the first place." I was about to walk away buy turned to the boy.

I punched him in his face, and he fell to the ground bleeding. "Say some shit like that again and the next time you going to be on the floor is with a bullet through your head." I walked outside and I'm guessing baby joe and Kd then followed me.

"You became very violent the last time we saw you." I turned around to them with a tear rolling down my face.

"That's because I had to, but I think I made up my mind Ima just give them me and they will give y'all red. I can't let him suffer cause of my mistakes." They looked at me crazy.

"You not gonna leave us for real so get yo shit together plus we got this ight you got this we going to find him." I nodded.

"But if you ever say some shit like that again and Ima kill you then bring you back to life and beat yo ass." I put my hands up and we hugged it out.


After the shooting was over, I got emotional as hell, and I made everybody leave except for Kendall my mom and the gang. Now I was on the couch watching a movie while eating cake.

"Do you want us to stay the night." I shook my head no.

"I'll be alright." They all nodded and left. I went to my room after finishing my cake and went to sleep.

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