Chapter 22

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"What's wrong Lani." Trell asked. They paused the game and o walked in front of the tv Sao they can all face me.

"I'm pregnant." I broke down crying.


"She's pregnant what are we going to do." I sighed.

"Ion know just wait until the baby is born so we need to hurry and do this mission." He nodded and walked out.


"Whatchu mean you pregnant like you have the baby in yo stomach pregnant." I looked at him.

"Yes nigga it's only one type of pregnancy." Ryan hit the back of Kentrell head, and I laughed.

I wiped my tears. "You pregnant with Moni baby right."

"Nahh it's Jesus baby I swear y'all act so slow." I shook my head.

"So, I guess I gotta go start looking for my nephew some clothes." I rolled my eyes.

"Nigga by the time you get the clothes the baby probably going to be too big for them plus how you know it's a boy."

"Whateva but I need to go to Wal-Mart so y'all coming." Everybody nodded. I got Amir and went to put him in his booster seat and make sure he was strapped in there all the way.

When I was done with that I got in the car, and we all drove to Wal-Mart. "Ok I'm only getting a couple of things for the house like juice snacks and something to eat for tonight."

"So, what are you making." Madison fat ass asked.

"I'm making barbecue chicken, rice, and green beans." She nodded. "That sound good as hell." She licked her lips.

We walked in the store, and they started going all over the place. Madison and Ryan went to go get the stuff for dinner Bommer and Ben went somewhere so it was just me, Amir, Trell, baby joe, and Beenie. We walked to the snack isle.

"Bitch guess who we seen." I turned around and Ryan was walking up to us. I looked at her confused.

"Who." I said the boys had came back and they was smiling.

"Why y'all passes smiling." They shook they head. "Gay asses." I mumbled but I guess they heard me. They both shot they head up. I laughed.

"Who you saw Ryan." Trell asked. I turned back around now facing Ryan and Madison.

"Moni baby momma." I looked at her then at Amir. He was playing with baby joe and Ben. He looked so happy. I turned back at Ryan.

"It's alright as long as she don't say nothing." She nodded. We were done shopping, so we went to go pay for the stuff.

"Look Moni's girlfriend and crew with my son." I took a deep breath. I really didn't feel like fighting her.

We all turned around facing her. "What can I help you with." I asked her.

"I want my son back." I laughed in her face. She thought she was getting Amir back.

"Hell, no you are not getting Amir back he was doing fine without you and he's still doing fine so go on home." I told her.

"No, he's my son so I can get him if I want and when I want, you can't stop me either." She rolled her head.

"Say mane you ain't give two shits about my sister you left her in the dark about her having a baby you don't even want Amir." Beenie told her.

"I did care about my son." She grabbed Amir but Amir started fighting her and she slapped him. I was about to go up to her, but Kentrell held me back.

"Bitch you are lucky."

"Come on baby boy mommy's here." She tried getting Amir back, but he started yelling.

"You're not my mom." She stopped and looked at him. "Then who is your mother because the last time I checked you came out my pussy." I scrunched my face up.

"She is." He said pointing to me. She looked at me and rolled her eyes before walking away. I felt a tear come down. He ran to me and hugged me, and I hugged him back.

"I love you mommy." He said once we pulled away from each other. "I love you too."

"Alright niggas come on I'm hungry." I shook my head at Madison. "Shutcho fat ass up all you do is eat." I laughed at boomer. She mugged him and walked off.

I went to go pay for the food and then we went home. I made dinner while the boys were playing the game, Amir was in his room doing something, and the girls was in the kitchen with me.

"So, what are you going to name the baby when he or she do come." Madison asked while eating a bag of chips.

"Well, if it's a boy Ima name him Antonio and if it's a girl Alana." They nodded.

"I like those names." Ryan said and Madison agreed. I finished cooking and I called everybody to the table, but nobody came except Amir.

"If nobody comes to this table, I'm throwing everything away or giving it to the homeless." I heard big ass footsteps.

"Lani stop playing wit people." Kentrell said once they got in the kitchen. "Y'all should do stuff when I tell you to." The doorbell rung and I went to go get it. I opened it and it was my mother and my little brother.

"Kendal." I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Hey Lani." He smiled once we pulled away. I hugged my momma to.

"What y'all doing here." I asked as we made our way to the dining room where everybody else was.

"Well dang I can't come see my babies."

"No, you can't Sherhonda whatchu want." I laughed at Kentrell. She hit him on the back of his head.

"Don't talk to me like that boy." She mugged him and he mugged her back. 
"Look I came to see kalani cause somebody told me she was pregnant." I looked at Ryan cause I know she did.

"Yea she is and when she have this baby you better not buy no clothes that be saying I love my grandma and shit." He told her.

"Just cause you said something I am going to buy a couple of onesies." She said he rolled his eyes and finished eating.

"So how far are you." She asked me. I leaned on the wall. "I'm 3 months." I told her. I saw Kendal come in the dining room with a plate of food.

"Who's the father." I looked down thinking of Armani. A tear came down. Ryan came and hugged me while I cried on her shoulder.

"She died." Trell told her while more tears came down. He looked down and I peeped a tear come down from Beenie face. I sighed and wiped my face.

"It's ok Lani you know Moni don't want you crying." I laughed while remembering the last time I cried for nothing.

"Alright I'm done crying." I lifted my head off Ryan shoulder. "So, whose little boy is this." Kendal said pointing at Amir.

"That is Armoni's son but he's basically like my child to." He nodded. "Hi Amir, I'm your grandma and that's your uncle Kendal." He looked at her.

"Ok hi Uncle Ken grandma." He smiled while finishing his food. "Where is the rest of my grandchildren."

"In they skin when you jump out, they jump in." Kentrell said passing by us and going in the kitchen. My mom rolled her eyes.

The rest of the day we just sat and talked. Everybody stayed the night except my mom. So, we had watched a couple if movies and played around.

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