Chapter 36

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Me and Armoni are at the park with the kids well the smaller kids' red was with Kendal. We were talking about what happened yesterday and about the kids. I graduate next month so I'm real excited for that. 

"You ok kalani." Armoni said looking at me. I smiled small and nodded while watching the kids play and rocking Aaron he was watching to. "I'm going to go get something out the car right quick." I nodded watching her walk to the car.

"Hey lil momma whatchu doing here by yo self." I looked up and a man that looked around my age was standing in front of me. "Waiting on someone why what do you want." He chuckled.

"Nun just wanted to say hi to a pretty lil lady." Aaron started getting fussy, so I gave him his pacifier. I blushed a little looking down.

"Is this your son." I nodded my head yes. "So can I get your number." He took out his phone and handed it to me.

"What's your name." I asked putting my number in his phone. I put my contact's name as Lani💖😍 and gave him his phone back and he took it.

"My name is Darien. What's your name." I gave him my phone and he put in his number. "My name is kalani." He handed me my phone and I took it.

"Darien." We both look behind him and it was a group of boys on the basketball court. "Well, lil lady I have to go but ill text you when I get home." He put his phone in his pocket.

"Ok ill make sure to text you." I smiled. He nodded and turned around heading towards his friends. "Who was that." I jumped a little and turned around. Armoni was standing there looking at me.

"No one." I began to rock Aaron back and forth the more I did it the more he began to fall asleep. Her phone started ringing and she answered it. I put Aaron in his stroller since he was sleep.

"Come on kalani I got something to do." I nodded and stood up. I went and got Amir and princess we started walking to the car. Waiting on Armoni dumbass to unlock the door.

"Come on so I can go home." I rolled my eyes with Aaron in my arms. "Don't rush me lil girl." She unlocked the door and I put Aaron in his car seat and helped Amir get in his seat while Armoni was typing away on ha phone. I had to put the stroller in the trunk.

"You could have helped." I said as I got in the passenger seat. "You had it." I sucked my teeth. "I can't stand yo ugly ass." I mumbled she finally put the phone out and began driving.

"But you had a baby by my ugly ass." I looked at her and she was smirking. I mushed her head making the car swerve a little.

"Aye don't do that." I waved her off looking out the window. "Whatever." I began to drift off to sleep.

"Lani Lani wake up." I opened my eyes and looked up, we was at the house so I got out. I got Aaron and went to the door.

I got my keys out my pocket and unlocked the door. I put Aaron in his bed and Amir went to his room. I went back out to the living room where Armoni was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"I'll text you later to tell you when I'm bringing red home so he can go to school tomorrow and to get the kids." She stood up and grabbed her keys and phone.

"Alright." We hugged and she left with princess. I went to my room just as my phone rung and the contact's name popped up. BigDaddyD💦😋 I laughed at the name but still answered the phone.

"Hello." I said first and got comfortable in my bed.

"Wassup whatchu doing on this lovely Sunday afternoon." He asked.

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