Chapter 11

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We were all up getting dress so we could go on the road, but I had planned to go to the graveyard and see red before we left.

"You ok babe." Kalani said breaking me out my thoughts before kissing me.

"Uh yea I'm fine are you and Amir ready." She nodded and went to go get Amir. I sat there and ran my hand over my face.

I got up and got my things and Amir stuff. He ran in the room where I was. I gave him his stuff and we went to the bus to meet with everybody.

"Y'all ready." We nodded and hoped on the bus.

"Aye Kalani can you go tell the driver to go to the graveyard really quick." She nodded and went and told him. I grabbed my glasses and put them on.

I went and got some Hennesy and a cup. Baby joe handed me a blunt. I took it and took a puff.

"So, what's wrong with you for these past couple of days." I shook my head.

"I'll tell yall after I go to the graveyard." He nodded. Kalani
came and sat on my lap.

"He said were only down the street from it so are you ready." I nodded and she kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed her lips.

"We're here." I sighed. Everybody looked confused except Baby joe. I walked to the front and got out.

I walked to red grave. I sat there for a few minutes that's when reality hit me. He really gone, like I'm not going to see him again until I die and that's a long way to go.

"I'm sorry red, I promised you to take care of you and I broke that promise. You was like my son. I did any and everything for you and vice versa. I love you kid; I know I never said it, but I know you always knew. I'm sorry. I remember when I let you first lose yo virginity cause you kept asking. This is all my fault, I should have never left you here when I knew I had people after me, yea yea I know you probably saying it ain't your fault, but it is." By now I was crying.

"I know yo ass saying you pussy for crying but when it comes to you, I'll do anything for you." I kissed my index and middle finger and then touched his grave. I felt wind brush against my face I chuckled.

"I'll come again but I don't know when." I laughed. This time the wind was harder. Tears came rushing down before I could stop them.

I still had my glasses on. I walked to the bus. I ain't say nothing I just walked to the back and Amir was back there, I put him on my lap and just watched him. I kissed his cheek then let him go.

"It's going to be ok babe." Kalani kissed me and wiped my face. I nodded. Everybody came to where we was and they sat around us.

"Are y'all going to tell us what happened." I nodded and licked my lips.

"Ok it all started when I was like 12, I found this lil boy in the alley all alone so I approached him and asked him why he was out by his self he told me he was put out by his mother, I asked what was his name he said Armon so you know I was geeked but over the few weeks we spent together he would turn red either when he got mad sad anything so I started calling him red. After that I took him in and I would give him food, everybody knew about us cause we was always together I taught him everything. I even applied him in school I ain't want him to be like me, a drop out I wanted him to be better than me. Then we moved that shit hit me hard I would talk to him every day. I talked to him before he died it's fucked up cause he was only 12. I treated him like my son I gave him everything." I had more tears coming.

"I'm here for you Moni I gotchu now we gotta look after our kids and do right by them now." Yb and everybody else agreed. I smiled.

"Aye not on no gay shit but I love you niggas man." I got up and made them have a group hug.

"Man, Kd stop touching a nigga ass." I laughed. They some idiots but you gotta love em.

"Now let's get ready for this tour and shit on these hoes." I yelled. Kalani hit the back of my head. I rubbed it and turned around.

"Why you hitting me." She looked confused.

"I ain't even hit you nigga." She mugged me. I turned around and Ryan was laughing.

"You need to stop touching me before you give me rabies." She stopped laughing and I started laughing. She flicked me the middle finger.

"What time." She mugged me and Kalani slapped me.

"Don't play with me Moni I'll beat yo ass." I turned around and hugged her. I started rubbing on her ass and sucking on her neck.

"S-s-stop Moni." I lifted my head and chuckled.

"Do y'all niggas know we still here." I sucked my teeth and sat down while pulling Kalani in my lap.

They went to the front and started doing whatever. Kalani started grinding on me, she stopped once
she knew I was hard.

I groaned. She got off my lap and went to the front. I went to the bathroom and finished what she started. Ima beat her ass, Cause what she did was just wrong and cruel plus I defiantly wasn't finna take a cold shower.

I went to the front and bent down on Kalani hear. "I hope you know you just started war right. You better pray for yourself."

I went to the back and just got on live and takes to my fans until I got board of that. Amir came and laid down on me and fell asleep, so I did to.

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