Chapter 16

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For the past month Kalani been acting weird like really weird sometimes I'll hear her cry in the middle of the night, but I don't say nothing just hold her. I didn't tell anyone else yet until it gets deeper, but I've been trying to find Cj and chase, but I got one of my tech guys tracing their number and location.

Right now, it was me and Amir and we were coming from yb house cause I had something to do. "Daddy will you get mad if I tell you this." I raised my eyebrow.

"Tell me what." I turned the radio down so I could hear him.

"When auntie lexis came and took me home a man came to the house, and they went in the room, and I heard her yelling but when I asked was she alright she said yes." I nodded.

"Am I in trouble." I shook my head.

"No, you not." I sped to the house. Kalani got some explaining to do. I made it there in no time, I got Amir out and told him to go in the room.

"Kalani." I walked to the room, and she was watching tv. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off and made sure the door was closed.

"I want you to tell me the truth Kalani and I'm so serious right now." She looked at me.

"Who was in my house when lexis came and dropped Amir off here." I asked her. She looked like she was about to cry.

"Marcus came over here." I looked at her confused.

"Marcus is that boy you fought that had the gun." I was pissed now I really wanted to slap the fuck outta her right now.

"Why you let him come in Kalani don't you understand that he wants you. Did you fuck him." I asked and she busted out crying.

"No, I didn't fuck him but-." She stopped and started crying harder.

"What happened Kalani tell me please." I went and hugged her.

"He r-raped me when I came in her to get a jacket." I immediately got mad and let her go. I changed and put on all black clothes with my black Timbs, and I got my gun.

I headed for the door, but Kalani stood in front of me. "Please don't do it Moni please." I shook my head before closing my eyes and taking deep breath.

"No, I gotta do this now move." She still wouldn't move she started pulling my shirt, but I pulled away from her.

"Please just come in the room until I fall asleep." I sighed and nodded. I walked to the room and laid her down and laid next to her while holding her.

After she fell asleep, I moved her on the side of me and called Madison and Ryan to come company her if she wake up so I put it on 3-way call.

"Hello." I heard Ryan say in the phone.

"Yea Ryan, I need you and Madison to go to my house with Amir and Kalani and make sure she ok until I get back, I got something to handle."

"I'll do it but is she alright." Madison asked.

"Yea she alright but when you go there, she should be sleep but I don't know about Amir it the spare key under the mat"

"I already have a spare key but I'm going now." I shook my head at her while chuckling.

How the fuck I'm supposed to tell yb this shit. Fuck.

I sped to his house and pushed through the door. I went to the living room, and everybody was still there. Great.

"Damn Moni why the hell you in all black." Bennie said before getting up.

"Get y'all asses up and change we got shit to do." They looked at me confused.

"Alright the other day I was busy, and lexis dropped Amir off to my house with Kalani is the same day that the nigga malik raped Kalani and Marcus is the nigga that pulled the fire out at me and Amir." Once I told them that all of them looked pissed.

They changed into something like mine, and we all went to the cars. I already had people find his location, so I was already ready. We went to his house.

We parked down the street so he would see us. "Y'all niggas ready." They all nodded, and we got out and went to his house. I kicked the door in, and we ran in. When we went inside it seemed like nobody was up there. We checked downstairs and then upstairs we heard grunting from a room. We went to it and opened the door.

When we got in there this nigga was getting head. "Wassup bitch." I shot the girl before she could scream, good thing we had silencers.

"Remember me nigga when you came to my homeboy crib and pulled out a gun on me and my son punk ass nigga." I kicked him in his balls.

He yelled out in pain. "You know why we hear right." He nodded.

"Alright this is for forcing yo dick in my girl." I shot his dick off and let Kd shoot a body part.

"This is for touching her." He shot both of his hands off. Beenie stepped up.

"This is for walking yo fagot ass over to my dawg house." He shot both his feet off. Baby now stepped up.

"This is for breaking her heart." He shot him in his chest. I laughed. Yb stepped up next.

"This for not thinking." He shot him in the head. Then Bommer emptied the whole clip on him. We wiped everything down and I went in the kitchen.

"Hurry up." I looked in his snack pantry and took his chips and fruit snack with some ice cream that I guess he just bought. I ran to the car and put everything in my lap.

"Really nigga you took his food." I shrugged and opened the fruit snacks.

"Not like he was going to eat the shit." They all laughed, and we all went to my house since we always at yb house and that nigga don't never got no groceries.

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