Chapter 33

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2 weeks later...

It's been two weeks since we've been here it's been fun; we went places I took them to the zoo and shit. Debo would come every now and again and tell me how everything been, but I came up with a solution for me and kalani.

"Were ready." I was interrupted from my thoughts by red. I nodded and went upstairs to get me and Aaron stuff.

"Is your brother ready." Amir is going to be the death of me. The little boy is bad as shit when we went to the zoo, we had fed the giraffes he pulled on of the tongues and then we saw ostriches he started shooting nerf guns at them. I don't know what Ima do with him. "Yea he downstairs." I nodded and grabbed the stuff and went downstairs and outside to the car.

I clicked the button to pop the trunk and put the stuff in the. Once everything was in there, I closed it and went back in the house. "Everybody in the car." I grabbed the snacks that was in there and Aaron car seat. To be honest I bought the house just in case something happens, or I need to get away. I walked to the car and put Aaron in his seat and strapped him in.

I closed his door and got in the driver side I handed red the snacks and put he put them on the floor. I started the car and pulled out the driveway. I looked back and Amir had the door open.

"Boy if you don't close my damn door Ima beat yo ass." He closed it really quick, and I continued to pull out the driveway. "Call Debo and tell him we on are way. I handed red my phone.


"Were back." I said out loud. We was in the driveway of the house. I woke the kids up Amir got his stuff out the trunk and red had got his stuff and Aaron. I know I'm being petty but I really don't feel like seeing kalani I just might slap her. When they got all the stuff I drove off and headed towards the trap house.

I drove in the driveway and jumped out the car. I walked inside and everybody was doing work, so I went up to my office. "Nobody has been in here." I jumped a little and turned around Debo was standing behind me. I nodded and turned back around and went to sit in my chair.

"So did you talk to kalani." I shook my head no and I heard him sigh. I looked at my phone seeing that she was calling. I didn't answer it I was being stubborn.

"I'll talk to her." I waved him off and got up and went to my car. I got in and decided to have a drink. When I got there, it wasn't that packed, but it was still people there. I got out my car and dapped up the bouncer and went inside. I went straight to the bar I need to get my mind off people.

"Moni you done you need to take yo ass home." I sighed. I was still at the club. I had a drink or two or seven. I stood up well barely. "Alright I'm finna go." He waved me off and I chuckled.

I walked to my car and sat in it for a while. I started the car and pulled out the parking lot and drove to wherever God took me.

And you know where that took me to my house. I was in the driveway just sitting there. I got out and made it to the door I fell like twice, but I made it. I banged on the door until the door swung open.

"Who the fu-." She stopped once she seen it was me. A tear fell down her face. "Why are you here." I rolled my eyes. I don't know what happened but it's like something in me snapped.

My hands wrapped around her neck, but it wasn't in no sexual way. "Moni Armoni I-I breath." She was about to about to be unconscious, but I let go.

She had tears running down her face. She got up and ran to the back of the house. I walked after her and she went into Aaron room and closed the door. I went up to the door and twisted the knob but she lock it. I took a deep breath.

"Kalani open the door." I kept twisting the knob. "No go away just leave I thought you came here to talk." I started banging on the door.

"Armoni stop before you wake up my children." I was still banging on the door. I heard Aaron start crying. "Just open the door kalani." I went to the kitchen and got a butter knife. I went back to the room and unlocked it.

I opened it and I was about to go in there, but I felt somebody push me, so I turned around and it was Beenie. "What the fuck you doing." He pushed me again.

I walked past him and went to head outside. "Armoni, I know you fucking here me." He pushed me again and I turned around and pushed him back.

"Stop touching me son for real." I stepped up to him. He chuckled.

"Say mane I aint one if these niggas you be fighting in the streets ill fuck yo ass up you need take yo ass somewhere putting yo hands on the mother of yo children." I shrugged and went to my car.

I felt him push me up on the car. "Armoni I'm not playin Ima punch yo ass so hard you going to be sober." I pushed him and was about to punch him.

"Armoni, you punch yo brother ima kick yo ass and Ima beat yo ass to Beenie." I looked to the side of me and my kom was standing there.

I mentally rolled my eyes at the fact kalani called my brother and my mom here. "I don't even know why she called yall this is between me and her." I was about to go in the house, but Beenie pushed me back.

"It is our business when you putting yo hands on her." I sucked my teeth. He pulled me by my shirt, and we walked to the house.

"Ma you can go home I got this." She nodded and left after she slapped my head. I sat on the couch, and he was pacing back and forth while I watched him.

Kalani was on the other couch feeding Aaron. She looked up at me and a tear rolled down her face I quickly looked away. "So, what yall finna do cause Moni you can't keep getting drunk and bringing yo ass here you need to make up yo fucking mind." I rubbed my eyes.

"Ion know I want to be with her its just I can't forget about her and this abortion I always wanted a lot of kids and give them stuff I never had, and this fucked up my head I feel like she don't want kids from me." I put my head in my hands.

"Well, you need to talk to her tell her or yall could go to therapy." I nodded. "Daddy." I looked to my right and Amir was standing there rubbing his eyes. I motioned him to come and sit on my lap.

"Are you and mommy mad at each other." He laid his head on my chest. "Nope we just didn't agree on something." I rubbed threw his little curls. He nodded and was falling back to sleep.

I got up and went to his room and laid him in his bed. "No don't go I want you to stay." He whined sounding like he was about to cry. I sighed and got next to him and he climbed on top of me and laid down.

When he was all the way sleep, I managed to move him and put him on the bed without him waking up. I left his door cracked and went in the living room where it was kalani and Beenie talking.

"Look Ima be back tomorrow and we can discuss this without me drinking." He nodded and I walked out the house and went in my car. I sat in there and just thought what the fuck is wrong with me then started the car and drove to a hotel.

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