Chapter 31

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Previously on the girl next door...

"See I love Armoni I ways did even before I meet her or all of yall I seen her at the store and couldn't keep my eyes off her. But I learned that her and kalani was going out, so I had to come up with a plan to break them up. It worked because of Mia and now kalani is mad at Armoni so Armoni can now be mine." I rolled my eyes.

"I will never love you stupid bitch you delusional." She turned to me and punched me in my stomach I groaned that shit hurt like a mi3ther fucker.

"Ill be back I have to figure out what Ima do with yall." She pointed to kalani them and left out with all the guards.

"Final-fucking-ly." I sighed and stood up and cracked some of my bones. They all looked at me confused. I chuckled. Thank God for pills and I'm talking about the good ones.

"How the hell you up I thought you took the pills." I chuckled. I went in my pocket and got my pocketknife and went up to them.

"Spitting out the smoothie and taking Advil's and alieve." I smirked and cut the zip ties they had on. "So, what are we going to do about the men." I just smiled.

"Yall didn't really think I was going to let yall handle this and I end up raped." I chuckled and shook my head. The door open and red walked in. We did our own handshake that we made up a long time ago.

"No no no what the hell is he doing here, I swear if my son get hurt Armoni Ima beat yo ass." I rolled my eyes and walked out the basement and up the stairs.

"Uhm boss we lost Madison." I groaned. Just fucking great I went back down to the basement and told everybody to go in the living room. I walked through the house with red to make sure all the bodies was gone and Madison wasn't there still. We walked back upstairs and to the living room.

Once I got there Madison had a knife to kalani throat. "See what the fuck you made me do, I just wanted you to love me I've loved you for a long time I could have gave you a baby." I went up to her slowly until I managed to get kalani out of her grip. Kalani ran to yb while Madison had put her arms around my waist, and I soon felt something sharp go into my shoulder.

I looked at where the pain was coming from, she stabbed me with the knife she had in my hand. "You wanna love her and be loyal and shit but she staying secrets from you." I looked at her confused before taking the knife out my shoulder.

I looked at kalani and she had her head down. "What are you talking about." I asked putting pressure on my wound.

"Oh, she still didn't tell you Well she got an abortion yep she killed your child or children we won't ever know." She laughed. Everybody looked shocked even Ryan so I'm guessing they didn't know. I was cut off from my thoughts when a gun shot went off. I looked up and red was standing there with the gun in his hand.

"You alright." He asked I nodded. Kalani ran to me trying to help me but right now I aint even want to talk to her. I licked my lips and got up.

"Is it true." I stared her aint nobody say nothing. "Yea I had two." I sucked my teeth and got my keys and phone.

"But you talking about me cheating but you out here getting abortions. You probably didn't even want Aaron just had him for sympathy cause you thought I was dead." She had her head down.

"Fuck this shit come on red." We walked to the door but got stopped by Beenie.

"Where you going like that let me take you to the hospital." I shook my head no cause yall should know by now I'm stubborn as hell.

"Nah I'm good I got this." I was about to walk out the door again, but he stopped me I sighed.

"You aint going nowhere until you get the shit checked out or Ima beat yo ass I aint playin wit you." I licked my lips

"I said im-." He cut me off and grabbed my shirt.

"Get yo ass in the car and in the passenger side." I rolled my eyes.

"Ion know who you grabbing like that nigga just cause you older don't mean nun." I mumbled.

"Whatchu said nigga." I smiled.

"I said i love you I'll be waiting for you in the car." I walked to the car and got in the passenger side and red got in the back. I laid back in the seat until Beenie came and got in the car.

"Don't get blood on my seat nigga." I looked at him like he was stupid which he was.

"See you could have just let me, and red leave and you wouldn't have to worry about this raggedy ass car shit sound like its finna break down." Red busted out laughing.

"Shut the fuck up nigga before I punch you in yo shit." I put my hands up in surrender while still laughing.

"Alright Ima stop just know Ima buy yo ass a new car and you need to hurry up before we be on the side of the road driving like the police behind you." He hit my chest causing my shoulder to start hurting. I looked at him and he started laughing like my shit wasn't fucked up already.

He finally made it to the hospital after all that slow ass driving my shit felt numb. We walked inside and they took me to the back to do x-rays to see if my bone was broke.

After all that we went to a room and was waiting for a doctor or nurse i forgot which one they said was coming. "Armoni and Beenie why the hell yall in the hospital." I looked down and then at Beenie and he was looking at me. I forgot our mom work here.

"Um that's a long story." I mumbled but she I guess she heard me. She looked at my shoulder.

"I got enough time now what happened to yo shoulder before
I beat yo ass." I put my hands up.

"Fine." I told her everything except the fact that kalani got two abortions, but I know she knew something else was wrong cause my mood changed.

"What else happened Armoni." I shook my head no. I heard her sigh and then look at Beenie but he aint say nothing.

"Somebody better tell me something or I'm whooping everybody ass it don't matter how old you are." It was quiet and I looked at the floor.

"Armoni just tell her." I rubbed my head and then looked at my mom. "Kalani got 2 abortions." A tear slipped down my face, and I wiped it before laying on the bed. She didn't say nothing.

Somebody knocked on the door. I looked up and it was the doctor, he came in and started stitching my shoulder. After he was done, I was discharged.

"Drop me off to my dad house." I told Beenie and he nodded. He drove me to my dad house and me and red got out.

"Uh I'll talk to you in the am." I nodded. I went in the house to get Amir and his stuff Alexis had woken up in the process.

"You taking him." I nodded and kissed her forehead. "Alright big head I'll send you some money tomorrow." She smiled and nodded. She fell back asleep. I put Amir on my left shoulder.

I went to the car and put him in his seat, red was already in the passenger side sleep. I went to Sherhonda house and called Kendell to open the door.

"Wassup ken." We slapped hands. "Wassup whatchu doing here." He asked.

"I came to get Aaron." He nodded and Aaron was in the room with him since he was up. I grabbed him and his bag.

He walked with me to the car since he had to put the car seat in there. "I'll talk to you later lil bro." He nodded and walked in the house.

"Fat boy." He started laughing and giggling. I put him in his seat and made sure he was strapped in all the way. I got in the car, I put on some music but not too loud, so it won't wake Amir and red. I looked at Aaron before driving off.

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