Chapter 28

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2 months later....

"Kalani." She looked at me while holding Aaron.

"I thought about something. I never took you on a date so Ima take you on one on Saturday the whole day." She smiled.

"Who's going to watch the kids." She asked I got up and grabbed Aaron out her hand.

"Don't worry about it just be ready at 2 on Saturday." I got up and went to the kitchen.

"Babe can you go to the store and get me some snacks please." She poked her lips out. I rolled my eyes and nodded. I got my keys and Aaron car seat.

"Where you going." I jumped and turned around. Red and Amir was staring at me. I smiled.

"I'm going to the store." They both smirked before heading to the door i shook my head before following behind them. I put Aaron in the car and buckled him in.

That lil nigga don't cry for shit all he do is eat shit sleep and stare at people, I feel like he going to be bad as fuck.

"So where are you really going." I chuckled and looked at red then the road.

"I'm going to the store for real to get kalani some snacks but I may go somewhere after that." I shrugged.

I pulled into a parking space at Walmart. "Everybody get they ass out and don't slam my door." I got out and got Aaron out his car seat. We headed inside and went to the snack and candy section.

"Get what yall want." I told them before getting kalani some snacks
and a box of fruit snacks.

"Hey Armoni." I turned around and it was this girl I use to fuck with her name is mia. Mia is sorta crazy but kalani is crazier.

"Mia what do you want when I left Compton it was me also leaving all my hoes." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a hoe and I just wanted to see what my favorite person was doing but I see you've been doing a lot." She eyed Aaron.

"Daddy were done." I looked over and the kids were standing there. Thank God I love these kids.

"Alright. Mia I gotta go." I faked smiled and heading to the kids but was stopped.

"Can I at least get your number." I chuckled. "Nah I gotta girlfriend." I smirked and walked away with the kids.

"So, who was that." I heard red ask. I glared at him but continued walking. "Just an old hoe." He nodded. We made it to the cashier.

She rung everything up while staring at me and biting or licking her lips, I don't know what the hell she was doing. "That would be 10.38" I pulled out a 20 and gave it red to give to her since I was giving Aaron some puff chips.

"Thank you and keep the change to buy you some chap stick and water cause you thirsty and you keep licking your lips." I choked on spit and busted out laughing.

She looked mad but I aint care. "Come on red before she start begging for some more." I got everything and everybody and we walked out the store.

"Can I go to Kendal's house." I nodded and I headed to Kentrell house to drop him off. After that was done I headed home. I got Amir and Aaron out along with the two bags.

"Babe I'm here." I yelled put Aaron in his walker and walked to the kitchen. "Where's red." She asked as she walked in the kitchen.

"At Kentrell's house with Kendal." I told her putting everything away. I walked to the living room with her and Aaron following me.

"Ok I want you to tell me the truth." She said as we both sat down. I looked at her confused but still nodding.

"Who was the girl you were talking to at the store." I looked at her. How the fuck she know that damn.

"Um her name was Mia but she's an old hoe before I came here." I turned on the tv.

"Did you give her your phone number." I rolled my eyes.

"Hell, nah I aint give her my number." I looked at the tv and went to Netflix.

"Yea whatever." I heard her mumble I chuckled. I felt her get up and soon heard the bedroom door close. Aaron came up to me before reaching out.

I picked him up out the walker just as somebody knocked on the door. I got up while still holding Aaron and opened the door.

"Damn nigga I've been calling yo ass." Yb said getting Aaron from me and then the whole crew came in the house.

I checked my pockets. "Oh, ion have my phone kalani do." He nodded. We all sat on the couch and started talking.


I heard Kentrell them but I aint go down there. I just continued to watch tv. "Kalani." I looked at the door and Armoni was standing there with Aaron I already knew what she wanted. I grabbed a diaper and changed Aaron. She still don't know how to change him the last time she tried he peed on her and when she did put his clothes on, he peed again and his private wasn't even in the diaper.

I gave him back since he wanted yo act all stank and shit. They both walked out, and I continued my movie. I felt something vibrating I lifted the covers, and it was Armoni phone it kept vibrating so being the person I am and not giving a fuck I grabbed her phone and opened it.

When I did it was an unsaved number, so I put my fingerprint and went to the messages. I got pissed once I opened the messages.

(647)538-6378- I miss you

647)538-6378-when are we going to meet up

647)538-6378- Armoni its Mia text me back

She went on and on I was to pissed to text her back. She lied to me in my fucking face and then she had my children around this bitch. I grabbed her phone and went downstairs.

"You such a fucking lair." I yelled at her, and she looked confused.


Everybody was talking and playing 2k in the living room, I heard kalani come downstairs. "You such a fucking lair." She yelled at me. I looked at her confused.

She threw my phone at me, and it landed on my lap. I picked it up and it was text messages from Mia, how the fuck she get my number.

"Kalani I-." "No don't say shit I asked you if you gave that bitch yo number and you said no I believed you but its right there." She had tears coming down her face.

I stood up and walked towards her bit she backed away, so I stopped. "Kalani, I swear I didn't give the bitch my phone number." I told her.

"How the fuck you going to tell me when its right there in our fucking face like damn if you giving bitches yo number then I'm wondering if you ever cheated." I looked at her shocked.

"I aint never cheat on you I love you kalani to death. I don't know how that bitch got my number." She shook her head still crying. Ryan and Madison hugged her. "Kalani." I looked at her.

It hurt me to know that I was the reason she was crying. "Get out."

"Kalani yo-." "GET OUT NOW ARMONI please." I sighed and got my phone and my keys.

"Armoni." I looked behind me and Kentrell was looking at me I shook my head and went to my car. I sat there for a minute.

"Fuuuuckk." I yelled and pulled out the driveway.

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