Chapter 27

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It's been four months since I came back. I enrolled red in school two months ago so him and Kendal go to the same school. I take them to school along with kalani. I stay here with Aaron and sometimes with Amir if he's not with my dad and mom. Aaron is four months almost five next month.

Right now, I was at yb house he had all his kids, and then I had Amir and Aaron. The girls were at school as you know along with Kendal and red. "When the girls get out of school." Kd asked.

"They all get out at 2:44." He nodded I looked at the time and it was a 1:30. I had Aaron in my lap, and he was up trying to look around.

"Aye yb when you making some more music." I asked him. He looked up from his phone.

"Umm I'm supposed to go to the studio this weekend, but I was thinking of asking everybody do they want to go."

"I know I'm going and I'm pretty sure kalani going to go." He nodded.

"Where's my grandson." I heard Sherhonda yell. Let's just say she isn't fond of me I don't know why. I find myself very likeable.

"Ma stop yelling in my house what's wrong witchu." I heard her suck her teeth.

"Shut up boy I don't say nothing when yo ass be yelling in my house." I looked down at Aaron and he was sleep. I laid him on my chest while Amir was laid across my lap. I looked at my clock in my phone and it was almost time to go get everybody.

"Hey everybody." She said and took Amir. I got up and grabbed Amir. "Aye yb I'm finna got get the girls and the boys." He nodded.

I walked off and I heard Sherhonda say something, but I could hear it because I was already out the door. I got in the SUV since it had more seats. I went and got red and Kendal because their school was closer.

I pulled up right on time because the bell had just rung. I saw them come out. I blew the horn so they could see where I was. Once they saw me, they started walking to the car.

"Wassup Moni." Kendal said we did a handshake. "Aye dad what are we doing for my birthday." I looked at red.

Shit his birthday is next month. "It's a surprise you going to have to wait." He nodded.

I know he haven't had a decent birthday ever well I haven't either
but Ima throw him a huge party. I drove off once they was in the car all the way. I went to go pick up the girls.

They were standing in front of the school talking to each other. I blew the horn at them, and they all looked up. They started walking towards the truck.

They got in and kalani grabbed me and kissed me. "Where's my baby." She looked in the back seat.

"At yb house with your mother." She rolled her eyes once I said mother. "Did she give you a hard time." I shook my head no.

"I don't know why she don't like you." I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "Maybe cause your disrespectful." I glared at Ryan.

"Shut up Ms. piggy." I drove to my weed man house.

"Where are we." Parked the car in front of his house. It was in the hood. Yall may not know but I've been in Baton Rouge before for a family reunion and I use to come down here for the summer. I got out the car holding on to the front of my pants since they were already sagging.

I knocked on his door and he opened it. "Wassup cj you got the usual." He smiled.

"Wassup Moni long time no see nigga but yea I always do for the homie." He reached in his and pulled out some weed and I reached in my pants, and we exchanged the weed for the money, but he stopped me.

"It's on the house fam." I nodded. "Auntie Moni." I looked behind Cj and his daughter was running towards me.

"Hey princess." I picked her up. "You came here to visit me." I nodded and tickled her.

"Yep, I did, did you miss me." She nodded and smiled. "Alright mamas I gotta go but I'll come get you this weekend I have some people I want you to meet."

"Otay." I put her down and looked at Cj, we shook hands, and I took the weed and put the money back. I put everything in pocket and walked back to the car. I drove off towards yb house.

"So, who's that." Kalani asked i looked at in the review mirror and everybody was looking at me waiting for me to answer. Nosey ass people.

"Oh, me and Cj go way back I use to come down here for family reunions and for summer but that was a little before I took red in and before my dad left." They all nodded. I shook my head.

I pulled into yb driveway, and everybody got out. I got Amir out and everybody went inside the house. I headed towards the living room and yb was playing with Aaron.

"The great Moni is back in the building the greatest." I put Amir down and he went to go play with baby joe.

"Stop yelling nigga." I mugged ben. "Say ben you always hating. Square up nigga." I stood up.

We started slap boxing. We stopped and I went outside to smoke. I was sitting on the porch when kalani mom had walked up towards the house.

She rolled her eyes once she saw me. I ain't say nothing I just looked at her and shook my head. She went in the house and started fussing about me smoking outside and shit I really didn't care but at the same time I did cause I wanted to say something to her so bad, but I didn't want kalani to leave.

After I was done, I went in the house and got red and Amir. "Kalani Ima be back." She nodded but I knew she was confused.

We left and I went to the trap just to handle something. "Debo, I need you to pick to good people that could torture Cj and chase for me but not where it'll kill them." He nodded and went downstairs. I walked to office with red and Amir following me.

I grabbed about 10 stacks of money and put in in my backpack. We left the trap, and I went to my mom's house. I saw some of my brother and sisters outside playing.

Yea she had other children. I got Amir out the car and red got out to. "Red these are my sister and brothers some of them should be around yo age." He nodded. I walked in the house and my mom was in the kitchen cooking.

"Wassup ma." She turned around and smiled. I hugged her and she took Amir from me. I reached in my bag and took out a stack and handed it to her.

She looked at me and shook her head. "No, I can't take that, and you know that it doesn't feel right." I laughed she does this every time.

"Come on ma you know you don't want me to end up paying all yo bills and other things." I looked at her she sighed and took it.

"Dang red you can't give yo granny a hug." He smiled and hugged her.

"Moni." I heard my name being yelled. I turned around and some of my siblings were behind me. They ran to me.

"Wassup." I dug in my pocket and gave each of them 100-dollar bills and hugged them. "I'll come get y'all this weekend and y'all can come to the pool." They nodded and ran out the door.

"Ma I'm gonna go but I'll come get the kids this weekend to give you a break." She smiled and nodded.

"Tell yo nappy headed ads brother to stop by sometime." I laughed and said ok. I got Amir and we were in the car again.

I drove to the bank to put the rest of the money on my black card and then I headed to in house.

I know boring chapter but I gotta think of something juicy to put in here maybe someone will go to jail or get hurt or even mess around on each other y'all will never know until next episode......

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