Chapter 39

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I know yall probably don't want to hear from me and I do feel bad about what I said, I actually loved Armoni well I still do I regret everything I said to her.

"You alright baby." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. Damien was standing in front of me. He still didnt meet the kids because Armoni didnt want him to.

"Uh yea im fine I was just thinking." He nodded. We were getting ready to go to a dinner party with the gang to celebrate something with Kentrell music or record level.

We are going to olive garden; the kids are with my mom she said she was taking them to the zoo but knowing Kayden (Kayden is Draco) and Amir together they going to cause hell. "Are you ready babe." I nodded and we walked out the door.

Damien drove us to olive garden, and we got out. I started walking towards the restaurant and I saw Ryan and lexis in the front talking.

"Hey guys." I did a little wave. "Hey girl we was waiting on you. Everybody is inside." I nodded and turned around and Damien was walking up to us.

When he did reach us, he wrapped his hand around mine. We walked inside following Ryan and Lexis we finally made it to the table. We were all in the back of the restaurant.

We all sat down, and I sat in the middle of Damien and Ryan and big b sat on the other side of Ryan and Damien sat next to me to. On the other side of the table, it was Armoni sitting in front of Damien, Kentrell sitting in front of me, baby joe sitting in front of Ryan, and Kd was at the end.

Everybody said Hey to each other and sat down. We ordered our food and drinks.

When the food came everybody started to eat. "So how did you and Armoni breakup?" Damien asked after swallowing his food. I sighed and looked up everybody was staring at either me, Damien, or Armoni.

Armoni kept eating so I turned to Damien. "I'll tell you another time." He nodded. "I know I wouldn't fuck my girl relationship up especially if my girl is fine as hell." I heard everybody forks hit their plate and suck they teeth.

I looked at Armoni and she stopped eating; she was frowning before she took a sip of her drink. Nobody said anything, I looked back at Armoni, and she was looking at Damien. If looked could kill Damien would have been 8 ft under.

"Aye don't speak on nothing you don't know about." She said calm like which scared me cause she was to calm. "Nah I'm just saying." Damien continued.

"And I'm just saying shut the fuck up. Don't speak on nothing about me and kalani relationship cause you wasn't there and you don't know nothing." She went back to eating.

"Ight man no need to get mad. Not my fault she broke up." He mumbled the last part. "Dude shut up." Kd said.

"Whatchu said nigga say that shit out loud and for the record kalani aint brake up wit me it was a mutual agreement, I've been biting my tongue not trying to disrespect you or yall relationship but you going to far but niggas like you people gotta teach yall a lesson yall don't know how to shut the fuck up." By now I was on edge.

"Is that a threat." Damien looked at Armoni with his eyebrows raised and smirking like he was doing this shit on purpose. "Nah fuck nigga it's a promise." She stopped and laughed.

"Kalani getcho man's cause I'm not the one he will get his shit fucked up." I turned to Damien. "Can you calm down please this is not the place or time." Damien nodded.

"When you tell me why yall broke up was it cause she cheated." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "You wanna know so bad." Armoni stopped and looked at him smiling. I shifted in my seat.

"Armoni ion think that-." "Nah he wanna know so bad. You wanna know why we broke up?" She asked Damien and he nodded.

"She aborted my child is you happy." A tear slipped down Armoni, but she was still laughing. "Maybe there was a good reason." Armoni looked at him like he was stupid.

"Bro there is no fucking reason to abort my fucking child so nigga shut the fuck up dude cause you talking mad reckless on god I put that on my li boys Ima beat yo ass." Armoni stood up causing other everybody to stand up.

Good thing nobody was here. "Nah I was just no need to be disrespectful and yell calm down maybe you'll find a person who actually want to have your child." Before anybody could do or say anything Armoni had already punched Damien in his face.

"Stop her before she kills him." Ryan yelled everybody rushed and grabbed Armoni from the floor. Her knuckles was all bloody and she had blood on her cheek.

I rushed to see if Armoni was alright. "You checking on the wrong person." She moved my hand from her cheek and down at me with so much hatred. She left out the restaurant but I followed her she walked to her car, but I stopped her.

"Armoni." I said loud enough for her to hear me. I looked down and played with my fingers. "Whatchu want kalani don't you have to go check on that nigga of yours." I looked back and saw Damien getting in his car and leaving.

I heard her sigh. I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Get in." I nodded and got in the passenger side. She drove to my house in a matter of seconds.

"Can you come in. Please." She nodded and turned off the car. We got out and we went inside the house. We sat on the couch. I was just thinking the abortion situation really gets to me. I didn't want to get one but I needed to I couldn't handle baby but that aint no excuse.

"I'm sorry I really didn't mean it when i said i never met you or had a baby by you. I'm sorry when I said I got an abortion. I'm sorry for all the fucked-up shit I did. I really do love you, your my first love the only one that treated me right." By now I was sobbing in her shirt while she held me it felt nice to have her holding me like old times.

"It's alright kalani I'm sorry I wasn't there with you to help you though the things you was going through. I'm sorry that I promised to protect you, but I didn't you got hurt and I was part of the cause." She lifted my head and wiped my tears.

We stared at each other until she leaned in and kissed. This kissed was special it held all these emotions, love and lust. She traveled down to neck.

"Wh-what are you doing." I tried to hold my moan back. "Shhh I know you want this, and I do to. I love you." She was right I did want this. I climbed on top of her and felt her go hard instantly her hands traveled everywhere. She stood up and I wrapped my legs around her waist so I wouldn't fall.

She carried me to my bedroom and laid me on the bed. We both stripped and you know what happened after that. 😏😏

Happy late merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Soon this book will come to an end and drama is about to begin but I am doing a sequel well I have to do one but you'll find out why soon. ENJOY....

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