Chapter 19

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"What's going on and why you crying." I shook hands with my dad and got a chair for me and lexis.

"Cause we got something to tell you but I just dont want you to hate me." I looked at him confused.

"That's your real mother." 


I think I'm trippin cause I heard that my mom is not my mom.

"What the fuck did you just sat cause I think I'm trippin." I felt a headache coming.

"This is your real mother, Aubrey." I looked at her I did look like her though. I looked at Amanda (the mom that took care of Moni) she looked mad but still had tears coming down.

"If she's my mother then where the fuck was you all this time."

"I took her from you cause she was on drugs and then I met Amanda and she took us in and then got together and we got married and that's when we had lexis then I saw your mother at the store and we started talking and she told me that she was clean ever since I took you and her mother took your older brother, when I told Amanda she threatened to call the police on me if I took you away from her but I didn't listen and I took you to  go see her but then she found out and it was late at night she called the police and told them I hurt you so I went to jail but I got in contact with Aubery and she bailed me out but I couldn't let your mother know so stayed with her until Amanda thought  I was outta jail then I convinced her to let me see you again when y'all moved. Moni I'm sorry I wanted to tell you, but she threated to put me back in jail." I looked at Amanda.

"So, you kept me from my mother and my father just to keep me." She started crying.

"I wanted you all to myself, but your father wanted to take you away from me. You were my baby I grew attached to you even though I shouldn't have but I did. You and lexis were my little babies, but you wanted your father you started changing and you no longer was my baby, I got angry and started miss treating you, you started being rude and saying you hate me and wish I wasn't your mother, so I started treating you bad and I planned on messing up your life." She yelled.

I shook my head and got up. "Armoni I'm sorry." I looked at Aubrey and went outside. I wiped my face and slid down the car.

"Armoni." I looked up and lexis was standing in front of me.

"She caused me so much pain she did everything to me she always told me she hated me she sent me to jail for nothing now they saying that she not my mother and she sent dad to jail I swear I wish that she would just die for real." I got up and went to my car.

I got my gun. "Moni what are you doing."

"What I should have been did but I was to pussy to do anything." She stood in front of me. My dad and Aubrey came outside.

"No Moni please just leave her alone well get her later."

"No, I waited for 9 years to see her in pain she did enough you wanna know why she never hit you cause I stood up for you and she hated me and would find any excuse to beat the shit outta me I took your ass whooping's and always saved you so don't tell me to leave her alone." She stood there shocked.

I ain't never told her why I got whooping or that I saved her from getting beat or the reason I went to jail. I would like to forget that but I can't.

I went to the house, but my dad stopped me. "What are you doing." I ain't say nothing and tried to walk past him but he grabbed my shirt.

"Moni." I turned around and Kalani was behind me. My dad took the gun from my band, and I hugged Kalani. I let go of her.

"Ma what you doing here." I turned around and Beenie was looking at Aubrey. Me and lexis looked at each other.

"Well, I'm glad you're here now but Armoni is your sister." I smiled at him, and he looked at me.

"I knew y'all was related y'all look just alike." Ben yelled out. Me and Beenie mugged him.

"You can call me Moni but I still look better aint that right baby." I looked at Kalani and she nodded making Beenie suck his teeth.

"Its alright bro well just tell them you on the slow side." He mushed the side of my head and I mugged him.

Amanda came outside and I just looked at her. "What the fuck yo ass want don't you think you did enough damage to people."

"Can you stop being rude."

"Can you stop sucking dick." She was about to hit me, but my dad stopped her. I guess she got mad about that.

"Just let me hit that bastard of a child."

"Don't call my daughter a bastard of a child just because she doesn't love your delusional ass." I stopped her from going up to her.

"I always loved you Moni but you changed because if your father you use to be my baby what happened to that huh."

"The day that dad left, and you beat me for and said it was my fault. The day you started kicking me and lexis out the house just to have niggas over." Everybody was quiet.

"I did it cause you deserved it and I love you and as your mother I had to discipline you."

"Well guess what I don't love you and you are not my mother I have a mother and her name is Aubrey."

She had tears and went on the house. Lexis had came and hugged me.

"Thank you." I hugged her back.

"You're welcome."

"Dadddyyyyyy." I turned my head and smiled at Amir.

"If I can't have you nobody can." I heard I turned around

*POP*     *POP*

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