Chapter 21

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Today was Armoni funeral, it's hard not thinking about Armoni. I cried every day. Kentrell took Amir until I'm stable enough to take care of him. I'm still keeping the house cause it smells like Armoni.

I got dressed and went to Kentrell house to make sure everyone is ready. I drove to his house, and everybody was outside with their suits on, and I saw Amir. When he seen me, he came running to me. I went up to everyone and hugged them. Everyone has been quiet lately especially Beenie. Kentrell just smokes every day, Kd he barely laughs or make jokes, Ben we haven't really been seeing him like that, Bommer just keeps a straight face all the time, baby joe he's been depressed and gloomy everyday he doesn't say anything either. We haven't been together like in one house since before Moni died.

"Yall ready." I turned around and saw Moni's dad and Beenie and Moni mom. Everybody said yes and we headed to the church. I sighed. We drove to the church and everybody hot out. I got Amir and we went inside. It was a lot of people there, but it was mostly people from Compton. The crew sat in the front I sat between lexis and Nia. I sat Amir on my lap and Tay Tay was on Nia lap.

The service had started, and I looked over and was surprised baby joe Beenie Kd Bommer and Ben had tears coming down their faces. Kentrell just kept a straight face, but I knew he would break soon.


When the service was over, we went to the graveyard to say our final goodbyes. I cried there. I looked at Kentrell he looked mad, but I knew he was hurt but think Beenie and baby joe was hurt the worst because they were closer to Moni. We left the graveyard and went to Kentrell house so everybody could change into the shirts we had made for everybody that had a picture of Moni. After we left Kentrell house we went to my house.

Kentrell went in the other room and slammed the door. "Baby joe can you get Amir right quick. He nodded and I gave him Amir. I got up and went in the room Kentrell was in. I opened it and he was on the floor crying. I knew eventually it would get to him. I went up to him and say down by him.

"Are you ok trell." He wiped his eyes and looked at me before hugging me. I hugged him back and he started crying again a few tears came down my face to.

"She really gone lani and there's nothing we can do about she was like my little sister, and I know you hurt Kalani." I just looked at the wall. I started crying hard I felt Trell come and hug me. Then I felt somebody else come and hug me I looked up and Ryan and Madison was hugging me then I felt more people come.

"Its going to be alright Kalani Moni is still with us." I nodded and we all did a group hug. I felt nausea and quickly got up and ran to the bathroom I lifted the toilet seat up and threw up.

"You alright Lani." I nodded before getting up and going to the sink and brushing my teeth. When I got done everybody was looking at me.

"Stop looking at me damn it's just cause I haven't ate." They looked at me and then they left our the room. I sighed and looked at a picture of me and Armoni.

2 months later

"You sure you alright Kalani you been throwing up a lot lately." Ryan asked concerned.

"Yea I'm fine." Ryan and Madison both stared at me. Madison started getting her purse and mine, I just sat there confused.

"Were taking you to the doctor we already made an appointment so come on." She dragged me until I pulled back, and we both stopped.

"What are you trying to say." I looked at her and Ryan.

"That you are probably pregnant girl now come on." Both of them dragged me we walked past the boys, but Kentrell spotted us.

"Where y'all going." When he said that we all stopped, and the boys turned around staring at us.

"We are going to the doctor for kalani." Ryan told him. He looked at me and I nodded. Ever since after Armoni funeral they asses been keeping us in the house and is always bothering and checking on us, I know they don't want nothing happening to us, but they need to chill.

"Bommer go with them just in case." I rolled my eyes and Bommer got up and followed us outside.

"Since you out here you're driving." Ryan gave him the keys and he mugged all of us and aid something under his breath. I ignored him but Madison and Ryan didn't.

"What did you say nigga." Ryan yelled. I shook my head and looked out the window while they argued. When we got there, it didn't look pack.

We all got out including Bommer and walked to the building. When we finally got in the building, we had to take an elevator upstairs then we would fully be in the doctor's office for adults.

We went to the waiting room while Madison went to go sign my name in to let them know I was here. After what felt like an hour I was finally called, and it was just me Ryan and Madison that came.

"Ok Ms. Gaulden I'm going to need to sit up here." I nodded and sat on the little bed thingy they had in there.

"Ok can you tell me what's wrong." She asked looking up from her clip board.

"Well, I have been throwing up a lot, I've been sleeping more, I've been having headaches I use the bathroom more and more things like that." She nodded and wrote something on the clip board.

"Ok I'm going to need you to pee in this cup, the bathroom is down the hall on the right." I nodded and took the cup from her and went to the bathroom. I finished and went back to the room and gave her the cup.

She left and it was just us. I looked over at Ryan and Madison they looked concerned.

"Are you ok Lani." A tear came down and they quickly came up to me while giving me a hug.

"It's ok Lani everything is going to be fine."

"What if I'm pregnant what am I going to do." I asked.

"We are going to be here for you all us girls and the boys and you have Amir who's going to be excited to be a big brother." I nodded.

The doctor came back in, and the girls sat down. "Ok you are 3 months pregnant congratulations." I did a small smile. She Gabe me my prescriptions and we left the doctor's office.

We were now in the car. Everybody was quiet. "So, what's wrong y'all quiet especially Ryan ghetto ass." Boomer said breaking the silence. I chuckled and heard Ryan suck her teeth.

"You'll find out when we get to the house." He nodded and kept driving. Soon we got there after I remembered I had to get my vitamins, so we had to so a U-turn.

We walked in the house, and I heard the boys in there talking. I started thinking how Ima tell the baby that he or she father died they will never know Moni and Moni will never know about the baby.

"Lani calm down and stop stressing it's not good for the baby." I nodded and we went in the living room.

"What's wrong Lani." Trell asked. They paused the game and o walked in front of the tv Sao they can all face me.

"I'm pregnant." I broke down crying.


"She's pregnant what are we going to do." I sighed.

"Ion know just wait until the baby is born so we need to hurry and do this mission." He nodded and walked out.

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