Chapter 23

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It was the day of my baby shower I'm 6 months about to be 7 soon. I found out that I'm having a boy and I'm naming him Aaron with Armani last name. The girls planned my baby shower including Armani sister lexis. They said I couldn't help do nothing they wouldn't even let me pick out the cake, they said I was doing too much work, and I needed to rest.

I'm excited though to see what they did. "Are you ready kalani." I put my shoes on. I was big but not that much, I had on a royal blue dress with white heels, but I was most likely going to change into my air force's. The colors were royal blue and white.

"Yea I'm ready." We planned to have the baby shower at my house so I don't know why they rushing me when I can just wall out my house and boom, I'm at the baby shower. I walked out my room Ryan and Madison was standing in front of the door.

"I feel like a proud mother." Ryan said fake wiping tears. I shook my head at her. We headed to the back yard, I felt tears coming.

"Surprise." Everybody yelled. It was a lot of people. Kentrell and his kids with his baby mommas was there, my mom and Kendal with the gang and some more people from our family. Armani mom and dad was here along with her sister with some of their aunts and uncles.

"Thank all of you I don't know what I would do without yall, I love yall." I wiped my tears. Everybody said aww.

"We love you too kalani." They all said. "Where's Amir." I looked around.

"He's right here he had to finish putting on his shirt." I nodded. Soon Amir came running out the house.

"Hi mommy is the baby here yet." He asked. I smiled at his excitement. "No not yet but soon." He nodded and kissed my stomach before running off.

"He's really excited about the baby coming." Lexis told me. I nodded. "Yea that's all he talks about." I looked at Amir playing with Draco.

An hour later

The party was still going I had opened my presents already, I got a lot of clothes pamper and wipes. I already had a car seat and stroller.

"Kentrell, can you go buy some more ice." I asked him. He nodded and got up.


"Who coming with me." Of and baby how got up. "I come to." I turned around and draco was behind me. I picked him up and started walking around the house to my car.

We got in and went to Wal-Mart cause I had to get more drinks and probably some chips.We made it to the store, and we walked to the snack isle. "Just get all and any chips so that she would have leftovers for the house." They nodded and we put any and all kind of chips in the cart.

Next, we went to the drinks isle. "What the fuck."


"Are you having fun." I asked Amir. He nodded while eating chips. "Kalani if you don't put Tay Tay down Ima beat yo ass." I rolled my eyes.

"But he's my little baby." I said tickling him and he started laughing. "That boy too big for you to be trying to carry him. I put him down and did a little tantrum.

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