Chapter 29

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"Thats enough Armoni you been drinking since you got here you need to go talk to kalani." I chuckled.

"I (hiccup) know I know Ima go (hiccup) home." I stood up but almost fell. Debo helped me up. I got my balance back a little and I managed to get to my car. I drove to the hotel and just slept there until the morning.

The next morning

I woke up with a major headache. I groaned and got up and went to use the bathroom. After I was finished, I got my phone and keys before heading to the lobby.

I checked my phone, and I had a whole bunch of missed calls from yb, my sister, my dad, and my mom but nun from kalani. My phone was on 50 percent, so I went to my car and drove to the trap to get some money.

"Are you sober this time." I nodded and went to my office it was covered in Hennesy and Cîroc bottles. I sighed and grabbed a bottle that was halfway empty.

My phone started ringing, I looked at the caller id and it was red.


"Yea wassup." I asked leaving the trap and heading to the house.

"Where are you at." He sounded worried.

I sighed and pulled into the driveway and sat in the car. "Come outside." I hung up and waited for him to come outside. I sipped on some Hennesy and put my head on the stirring wheel.

I heard my door open then close. "What's wrong cause ma was crying all night." Fuck I need to fix this.

"Mia texted my phone but I didn't give it to her." He looked at me.

"Check if my gun in the glove department." He opened it and nodded I aint say nothing I just started the car and drove off.

I texted Mia and asked where she was, and she said home and text me her address so drove to ger house. I cut the car off and got my gun.

"Look we gotta go back to our ways so stop acting like a momma's boy right now." He smiled and nodded. We got out and I knocked on the door.

"I thought you had a girlfriend." I shrugged and faked a smile.

"Shit she aint got to know." She smirked. When she opened the door wider red pushed her and she fell. I walked in the house and locked the door.

"What is he doing here." I smirked and pulled out a gun. I saw a flash of fear in her eyes.

"Look answer my question and you gone die. How the fuck you get my number." I pointed the gun to her head.

"From this girl I met in the store." I dragged her by her hair and sat her in a chair.

"What's her name." She was now crying but I could care less she wasn't crying when she texted me after I said I have a girlfriend.

"Her name was Madison." I stood there for a minute i hope it's not the Madison I know cause I would hate to kill her.

I took my phone out and went to my galleries and went to a picture kalani had took with her, Madison, and Ryan. I showed her.

"Was it her." I pointed to Madison and  she nodded, I took a deep breath and stood up all the way. I slapped the shit outta her just for fun and cause she messing with my future.

"Come on red." We walked out the house and to the car. I looked at red and this nigga was eating ice cream i laughed and shook my head.

"So what are we going to do about Madison." I shrugged.

"Ion know but call Kentrell and tell him to tell everybody except the girls to come to his house." He nodded and did as I said. I texted Debo to meet at yb house.

I drove to yb house and just sat in the car until Debo had got there. There was a knock on my window I looked up and Debo was standing there smiling.

I opened the door, and we shook hands. We walked inside and to the living room. "So why you wanted all of us to meet over here." I sighed and stood up while everybody sat down.

"So yall remember yesterday about the whole Mia thing and shit the only reason she got my number is because of Madison." Everybody looked shocked.

"Debo, can you call two people to go aint get Mia and bring her here." He nodded and walked out.

"Listen Moni when I said you could go out with my sister that was because I could trust ypu not to break her heart but now I'm wanting to beat yo ass you promised that you wouldn't I hate seeing my sister cry over a nigga who don't give a fuck about her." He stood up and walked to me.

Red stood up but I shook my head. "I love yo sister to death and I don't give a fuck about what anybody say cause at the end of the day she was here for me when aint nobody give a fuck about me not even the person I thought was my mom before I met kalani I thought love didn't exist, but she showed me what it was, she took in two of my kids and had one. I was planning on marrying her. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her or she's too good for me so don't fucking tell me I don't love her or give a duck about her." I wiped a tear that I didn't know was there.

I walked outside to get some fresh air. I sat in my car and drunk the rest of the hennesy that was in there. Debo had knocked on the window telling me that Mia was here. I nodded and got out.

I walked in the house, and nobody said to me and I aint really care. I sat Mia in a chair and tied her to it. "Who slapped you." Baby joe said laughing.

"Armoni did." I sat in a chair while slouching in it. I just looked at her before rolling my eyes.

"Tell them everything or Ima beat yo ass or get my wife to beat yo ass." I stared at her with no emotion.

"Ok fine I was at the store when I saw Armoni and a baby, so I went up to her and said hi she wasn't feeling it she told me she had a girlfriend and that I was just a hoe then her kids came and she walked away but I stopped her and asked for her number, but she said no she has a girlfriend that's she's happy with and walked away. After a few minutes after Armoni left a girl came up to me her name is Madison. She gave me her number and money and told me to blow up Armoni phone and she would give me more money if I broke up their relationship and I needed the money, so I took the offer. I'm sorry I just needed the money" I got mad just looking at her.

"Do you know what the fuck you did fucking stupid bitch you ruined something special but watch Ima fuck yo ass up I put that on my future daughter." I got her phone.

"What's your password." I asked her.  "Your name." She put her head down.

Baby joe started laughing. I went through her phone to Madison number and showed them the messages just in case they didn't believe me or her.

"I believed you when you said you aint give her your number yesterday." Baby joe and ben said.

"She said she has a plan to get Moni." I looked at yb confused. I took the phone and it said I have a plan to get Moni so she could be all mine and shit like that.

"What's her plan." We all looked at Mia. "She was planning to have a little get together here and get Armoni to drink so she could put a pill in it, so you won't be able to move, and you know the rest." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Look I got a plan." I nodded and we all turned to yb. "Moni you drink the drink Shes trying to give you Ima install cameras all threw out the house and Ima be watching both you and her on my phone. Everybody has to act normal. Ima record the whole thing so when we get to the room, and she act all innocent we show Ryan and kalani the video." I nodded and sighed.

I wasn't scared cause I aint scared of no bitch or nigga, but I am nervous cause what if they don't come on time and the bitch try to violate me and shit. "Ight I'll do it I just want kalani back." He nodded.

"Alright well meet back here tomorrow morning." We nodded. Me and red got in my car, and I took him home and I had the two boys take Mia to the trap I aint going to kill her but Ima make her wish she was dead.

I went to the hotel I guess this is my new home until this shit is over.

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