Chapter 17

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We made it the house and they all got out and went inside the house. I went in there after everybody and locked the door. It smelled like somebody was cooking so I went in the kitchen.

Ryan was in there cooking. "Kalani there's a dog in our kitchen." Ryan turned around and sticked the middle finger at me.

"Stop messing with her cause she's making yo favorite." Kalani slapped the back of my head and I rubbed it.

I licked my lips. "You making chicken Alfredo for us aww you so nice." I love chicken Alfredo that's my life I can eat it all day.

I hugged her. "Aww your actually nice to Ryan." I turned around and Madison and the boys was behind us. I mugged them.

"Where's my son." I asked.

"In the room playing his play station." I nodded and went to his room. He was playing GTA.

"Wassup boy." I said and he jumped. He turned to me and smiled, and I smiled back. He got off his bed and ran to me. I picked him up and walked to the kitchen.

My phone started ringing.


"Yea Moni tomorrow mom and dad wanted to tell us something so come to mom's house tomorrow at 5."

"Alright I'll be there." I hung up and sighed.

Ryan was done with the food, and we all started eating. That shit was banging.

"Kalaaannii." I sung out loud while sitting on the couch. Everybody was most likely done eating or went to get seconds.

"When you going to have my babies, I want 3 mo kids then we could get a dog." She looked at me.

"I ain't having no babies until I graduate school." I shook my head no.

"Yes, we are we going to have 2 more little boys and a lil girl then we could be done and then get them a dog." She shook her head no.

"Where you going to get them from. They ain't coming out my vagina."

"Come on Lani don't do my mans like that you know you wanna have them 3 babies and dat dog." Me and Beenie laughed and shook hands agreeing.

"No, you can go adopt 3 mo kids."

"Naw they coming outcha coochie so get ready for the first one while playing." I patted her thigh.

She mugged me and rolled her eyes. "So, what are we doing tomorrow." I shrugged.

"Oh, we can go to the mall before I have to go to dinner with my parents and then after I come back, we can go to the mall." They agreed.

"The first time you have ever been smart or thought of something smart." I stuck the middle finger at yb and he laughed.

"It ain't even that funny dude." He stopped laughing and mugged me.

"Aye just to let y'all know I'm spending the night at y'all house." Kd told me and Kalani. I just shrugged it really was up to Kalani.

"Us to." I looked at Kalani.

"Alright we can have a sleep over there's more than enough rooms." They nodded.

"How the hell y'all going to get clothes." I asked them.

"We can just get it in the morning before we go to the mall, they all have clothes at my house." I nodded.

"Alright I'm going to bed youngins." Everybody looked at Amir, a nigga almost broke they God damn neck.

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