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future conflicts

"Why the hell is your room nicer than mine?"

Peter was currently leaned against the doorway of Tessa's single room, his mouth gaped open at the spacious and modern area.

"Ladies get all the best things," Tessa teases, as she ties up her shoes, before getting up to go to breakfast. "It's what we deserve."

"I wish I was a woman." Peter sighs, earning a snort from the García girl, nudging his side when she approaches him.

"You're an idiot."

The duo set off to the cafeteria, where multiple squad's gathered for their first meal of the day. Once they get their food in line, they spot the only empty table in the room. Except, it wasn't entirely empty.

"Morning, Connor." Tessa brightly says, as the two humans sit down opposite the android.

It opens it's eyes after a moment, it's LED returning back to the original blue, seeing the two recruits in front of it. "Good morning, Tessa. Mr Blake – or would you prefer if I also call you by your first name?"

"That would be wonderful." Peter tells him, with the slightest hint of sarcasm.

"So, Connor, I was wondering – how much do you know about us from our records?" The girl asks, shovelling a spoon of oatmeal into her mouth.

The android pauses for a moment, staring at Tessa's face with concentration. "Tessa García. Born 2015 in Michigan, United States of America. Transferred to foster care in 2025. Graduated Wayne State University with a degree of criminal justice. No criminal records."

"Fascinating." She whispers.

"Peter Blake. Born 2014 in London, England. Granted U.S. citizenship in 2032. Graduated Oakland University with a degree of computer programming. No criminal records."

It's last sentence makes Peter choke on his toast, causing Tessa to give him a confused glance.

"Yeah, um, that last part – well, it isn't really all that true." He manages to get out, having both Connor and Tessa staring at him. "You – you won't tell anyone, will you? Especially you." He indicates towards the android.

"Technically I'm not authorised to make changes to your records, so no, I won't tell anyone." Connor reassures him.

"You can keep a secret?" Tessa asks the android opposite from her.

It responds with a nod, leaving her only wanting to ask it more questions. However, her curiosity is cut off by a deep breath brought in by her friend.

"Alright, so, my ex – he was a really bad influence on me. He used to rob all sorts of stores, and even a couple of banks. One night, a mate of his dropped out, so he asked me to replace. So I said yes – only because I knew I was just on surveillance, not actually stealing stuff. But that's still bad, right? I dunno, I guess love make you do stupid shit."

Tessa stares at her friend with her mouth gaped open.

"Yes, if you got caught for that act, you would've been charged with an accessory of theft." Connor tells him.

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