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the truth

"What do you mean you're free?"

Tessa stared back at Connor with a confused expression. Even with all the questions buzzing around in her mind, she still felt the electricity remaining on her lips. The fact that she'd finally realised that she was in love with Connor made her heart melt – but she couldn't help letting her curiosity get the best of her.

"I feel like I can breathe for the first time. I can feel my love for you – Tessa, I'm in love with you." He replies, the brightest smile stuck on his face.

She looks at him in awe, ignoring her panicked voice in the back of her head since he was a deviant, but listening to her heart which was glowing for him.

"I can even do this again."

Connor leans down once more to kiss the girl hard on the lips, causing her to jump in surprise, holding the sides of his arms. She starts to lose herself in the kiss, but her panicked voice starts to get too loud, making her pull away.

"Connor, as happy as I am for you – like really, insanely happy," Tessa tells him with a giggle, before stopping to get serious. "You can't be here. Cyberlife might notice that you've gone offline, and could be looking for you. We've got to get you somewhere safe."

He looks at her with admiration before responding. "And that's one of the things I love about you, Tessa. You care so much about other people."

"Oh, shut up. You're gonna make me kiss you this time." The girl teases, giving him a light push.

"I don't see what's wrong with that." Connor says, his eyes flickering to her lips.

Tessa's thoughts suddenly grip on to their friend at the restaurant – possibly wondering where the hell they were. The sun was almost down, and there was a possibility that she didn't have much time to hide Connor.

"Stay here. I'll be right back."

She quickly runs away to steal Peter away from the rest of the squad, desperately needing help from him.

The García girl rushes into the restaurant to spot her friend and the group at the table, going over to his seat. He sees her coming, his eyes widening at her.

"Where the hell have you been? I had to tell Johnson that you were in the bathroom sick." Peter scowls through his teeth.

"Peter, you're a genius," She tells him, an idea sparking into her head. "Captain Johnson? I've just been incredibly sick, so Peter's gonna take me back to the academy. Right, Peter?"

The Blake boy looks up at her with a blank face. "Yeah, I fucking guess so." Tessa nudges him sharply. "Ow! I mean, yeah. She's got the shits and all. See you guys later!"

The girl pulls him out of his seat to leave, practically dragging him out of the restaurant.

"I hate you." She mutters, trying not to laugh at him.

"What's this about anyway?"

Once they reach the dock where Connor is, they come to a screeching stop.

"Hey, Peter. I'm a deviant now." Connor greets him while taking his LED out with a piece of metal, making the boy's mouth drop open.

"You – what the fuck?"

Tessa stands in front of her friend, looking at him with urgency. "Peter, I need your help. I need you to cover for me while I contact a friend to help Connor."

"Yeah sure, but – how the fuck did this happen?" Peter asks with shock.

"Tessa confessed her love for me and I kissed her – twice."

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