twenty five.

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past life

Connor walked into the abandoned building with damp clothes and his stress levels high.

After he'd blown up Jericho, he'd gotten separated from the others – especially Tessa. He didn't know if they were still alive, and the thought of losing the García girl right as he just got her back broke his heart.

However, his thoughts of fear were quickly dismissed as he spotted Tessa and her friends sitting together at the back of the room. Connor's eyes immediately lit up, and as he walked closer to them, he saw the girl look up at him – her sad eyes quickly widening.

A wide smile appears on her face as she shoots up from her spot, breaking into a sprint towards the other android, and jumps into his arms.

Connor holds Tessa tightly as he lightly spins her around, happiness devouring the pair as they find relief to be in each other's arms again.

Eventually, Connor carefully places the girl back on the ground. She holds his face with her hands, stroking his cheeks with her thumbs, as she gazes into his eyes.

"I knew you'd make it." She whispers.

"I'll always come back to you."

Tessa stands up on her tip toes to place a light kiss on the android's cheek. "I love you too."

If it weren't for the sudden ringing coming from the brunette's pocket, the two could've stayed there forever. But as her eyebrows furrow, she lets the boy go to retrieve her phone.

"Hello?" She answers it, her eyes soon widening as she looks up at Connor. "Peter? Oh my god, are you okay?"

The girl pulls the phone away from her ear and holds it between the pair, putting it on speaker.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Those wankers at Cyberlife traced my hack back to me and forced me to remove the blocker. I hope it didn't cause that much of a trouble – I did see that they lost control of him, though." The British boy replies.

"Hey, Peter. It's Connor. Everything's okay now – thank you for what you did. I wouldn't be here without you," The android tells his old friend. "I remember you from the academy, and I just wanted to thank you for being such a good friend."

"Connor! Man is it good to hear your voice. I'm glad all is well. I'm just cooped up in my apartment with Dillon and Hank – y'know, because of the evacuation and all."

Tessa's mouth quickly drops open, worry for her friend and uncle appearing on her face. "What? You haven't evacuated? Peter, it's too dangerous here. There are deviants around the city who will target any human – whether they're good or bad. You guys have to leave now."

"Sorry Tess, but we're not going anywhere. We can't leave you alone. If anything major happens, we'll be there – and you can't do or say anything to change our minds." Peter tells her, causing the girl to roll her eyes.

"Fine. But try to stay inside, alright?" She asks.

"Yeah, of cour– hold up. There's someone at the door. I should get it – stay safe you two, yeah? I better be seeing you both soon."

"You too. And hopefully." Tessa says with uncertainty.

"See you soon, Peter." Connor speaks into the phone before the García girl ends the call, making them both look at each other.

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