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the outcome

Connor and Tessa made their way to the side of the state in a rental car, giving their farewells to Simon and the other deviant's beforehand.

They were travelling in the middle of the night, making everything around them dark and silent. The hour journey flew by as they arrived at the countryside house.

A thick layer of snow covered the area surrounding the house, along with the endlessly long fields and tall trees scattered around the section.

The pair approach the house with caution, both getting startled as their presence triggered the outdoor light on the porch. The shivers that ran down Tessa's skin made her grab Connor's hand for comfort, feeling him lace his fingers with hers.

They walk up the stairs to the front door, giving each other an assertive glance before ringing the doorbell. A few moments later, a lady with warm eyes opens the door.

"Um – hello. My name is Tessa, this is Connor – we were sent here by Simon?" The girl nervously tells her, hoping that they were at the right place.

Luckily, a smile appears on the lady's face to calm her. "Of course, I was expecting you. I'm Rose – please, come in."

Tessa returns the smile before walking into the heated house, with Connor trailing behind her. Once they're inside, Rose folds her hands together.

"Right. Simon told me that you're not human, but you still need food – is that right?"

The García girl gives her a nod. "Yeah it's, um, it's complicated."

"No worries, I'll get you a meal," She tells her. "You can both make yourselves comfortable in the first room upstairs, I'll bring the food up to you."

"Thank you." Tessa replies, watching her walk away into the kitchen before eyeing the stairs.

She looks up to give Connor a positive nod, the two of them feeling much more relaxed about the situation. They make their way up the stairs to the room, finding a double bed and a dresser. The girl takes her bag and coat off to place on the dresser, turning around to see Connor sitting on the bed with an uncertain expression on his face.

"Everything okay?" She asks him, going to sit next to him.

"What if we get caught?" He shivers, nervously rubbing his hands together. "What if they take us away? They'll reset us. We might not ever see each other again."

Tessa takes his hands in hers as she watches his breaths accelerate, freeing one hand to put on his cheek. "Hey, Connor, look at me. Don't think like that. It's all gonna be okay."

"I don't want to lose you. I – I can't lose you."

"You're not going to lose me." The girl tells him, rubbing her thumb along his cheekbone.

Connor gives her a struggled smile as he looks back at her, leaning against her as her hand drops. She snuggles her head into the crook of his neck, watching their hands holding each other.

"Do you think of me differently now that you know I'm like you?"

He takes in a deep breath, turning his head to place a light kiss on the girl's head. "No. You're still the same girl who I fell in love with when you first defended me. Even though I didn't realise it then, I know that every second from that moment I didn't care about anything else more. I will always love you, Tessa. No matter who – or what – you are."

Before she can look up at him with the most admiration in the world, her gaze lands on Rose, who enters the room with a tray.

"I hope I'm not interrupting, but here's your food," She kindly says, setting the tray down on the bedside table. "I'll leave you to it for tonight, and we can talk over the plan in the morning."

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