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The fire that had started in the kitchen forced the academy to be temporarily shut down for repairs – however, it meant that the recruits got an extra week added to their Christmas break.

As excited as Tessa was to see her family again, she felt sad while saying goodbye to her friends.

Peter was going back to England over the three and a half week break, meaning that the García girl definitely wouldn't be seeing him until he got back.

They stood in the entrance building of the academy, a taxi waiting outside to take the Blake boy to the airport. Once he got his bags prepared, he turned to face his two friends for a farewell.

Tessa instantly stepped forward to give him a hug, squeezing him tightly. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Not as much as I'll miss you, Tess," He replies, pulling away to give her a wide smile. "Skype whenever we're free, yeah?"


He glances over at Connor next to her, who gives him a nod, extending his hand out to shake.

"Nah, mate. You know I'm a hugger." The recruit chuckles, giving him a hug while patting his back.

Connor stumbles back at his affection, but hugs him back after a few moments. Tessa grins at the two before they release each other, giving Peter a final wave.

"Don't have too much fun without me!" The boy yells out as he gets his belongings to go outside, waving back with a slightly painful smile. He hurt to leave them too.

Once he got into the taxi and drove off, the brunette knew that her ride would be coming soon to take her home. Letting out a heavy breath, she turns to Connor.

"So, where will you be over the break?" She asks him.

"Most likely at Cyberlife," He responds. "But I might have to briefly come back here for some tests."

She gives him a nod, wishing in the back of her mind that he could come with her. Her stomach flips as she sees her mother turning into the grounds, parking out the front.

"That's for me. I'll see you when we're back." The girl says, grabbing her suitcase to drag out.

"Goodby– I mean, I'll see you then."

Tessa lightly chuckles, looking at him with appreciation. An awkward tension forms between the two as they stand in silence, but is quickly broken by Connor stepping forward to wrap his arms around her.

The García girl's cheeks heat up as he holds her, also letting her arms go around him. They pull away for a moment to look at each other, both of their faces warm.

"I look forward to seeing you again." Connor tells her, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

After releasing each other, Tessa gives him a nod. "I'll be counting down the days."

"Twenty four from now."

The girl lightly laughs at him, holding his gaze once more before turning away to leave.

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