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Tessa woke up the next morning with a bright beam stuck to her face. She couldn't believe that Connor had come back to her – happiness devoured her like a disease.

Once she was showered and dressed, the girl got a knock at her door as she was tying her shoes.

"Just a moment!"

After double knotting her last boot, she leaps to her feet to open the door.

Connor stands before her with a kind smile on his face. Tessa feels her breath get sucked out of her as she looks into his eyes, still in shock that he's alive.

"Good morning, Tessa," The android warmly greets her. "I thought I'd stop by to accompany you to breakfast."

A pink blush spreads across the girl's face. "That's sweet of you."

The pair walk down the hall of the dorms together as an idea sparks into Tessa's mind.

"Wanna surprise Peter?"

Connor looks at her with a grin on his face, giving her a firm nod before following her to their friend's room.

Once they reach it, Tessa motions Connor to hide around the corner as she holds her finger to her lips, a small giggle escaping her.

The brunette knocks at Peter's door confidently, waiting a few moments before he opens the door with bags under his eyes.

"Morning, Pete," She greets him with an energetic smile, causing confusion to hit the boy. "Breakfast?"

"You're in a good mood." Peter replies, slipping out of his room, surprised by his friend.

"I just have a feeling that today is gonna be a good da– wait. Aren't we forgetting someone?"

The Blake boy stops to look at the girl as if he thinks she's insane. "Tess, what the hell are you on about?"

"There's someone else who should be with us." She tells him, holding an expression of thought.

"Okay, you have really lost your mind. 'Cause if you think it's Connor, then I gotta tell you–"

"Surprise!" Connor leaps out from his hiding spot, making Peter let out a scream.

"Fuck! Connor, you scared – wait. What the fuck?" Peter comes to a realisation as he sees his thought-to-be-dead friend.

Silence falls between the trio, Peter still staring in shock as Tessa lets out a sigh of disappointment.

"Connor, you were supposed to wait for a bit more." She says with a quiet chuckle.

"Sorry, I just couldn't wait any longer," He tells her, giving Peter a smile. "Hello, Peter."

The boy's is suddenly replaced by a wide grin and a quick squeal. He runs up to the android and wraps him up into a tight embrace.

"So good to have you back, Con. I was guttered when they said you weren't coming back – but here you are!"

Connor gives him a pat on the back before the recruit releases him, his face bright. Tessa looks at the two with joy and relief.

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