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JUL 2042
the conclusion

Tessa could almost feel her best friend shaking from next to her. Her first instinct is to grab his hand – causing him to squeeze it tightly, making the girl flinch in discomfort.

The two friends were currently returning back to the city of Detroit from a two month trip to England. They were travelling by plane – and the mode of transportation just happened to be the Blake boy's biggest fear.

Over the past four years, Tessa had been insanely busy – her and Markus were the spokespeople for the android's of Detroit, and now – for the rest of the world. While Markus stayed with the others at home, Tessa took Peter along for a trip to his home and spoke to thousands of androids.

The girl had found a passion for helping others, finding joy in seeing her words of advice positivity affect her people. But as much as she enjoyed the trip – she couldn't wait to get home and see her loved ones again.

After a long journey, the plane was starting to descend down to land. As Tessa sat in her seat calmly, she tried her best to support her best friend in stress.

"Why do they have to go down so fast? We've already been on here for six bloody hours, another one wouldn't hurt," Peter complains, his eyes sealed shut. "I should really stop watching air crash investigation videos. Surely then it wouldn't feel like my fucking heart is in my throat."

A light chuckle comes from Tessa. "We're gonna be alright. We'll be on the ground in no time."

"Unless the engine mysteriously shuts down and we go plummeting towards the ground. You know, I'd rather not be scraped off the runway and have my funeral before my wedding." The boy negatively comments.

"Peter, I love you – but please shut up."

After a quick understanding nod, the Blake boy surprisingly stays silent until they land – his hand still squeezing the life out of Tessa's.

Once they're on the ground, bright smiles are exchanged between the pair. They were both more than excited to reunite with the others. Before they know it, they're standing outside of the airport where they can see a group waiting for them.

Peter spots Dillon instantly, his steps speeding up as he runs towards the boy, pulling him into a tight embrace.

The García girl's eyes land on her friends, such as Markus, Simon and North. Her lips form into a smile as she approaches them, also seeing North's girlfriend by her side.

"You guys have no idea how good it is to see you." She tells them, hugging them all tightly.

"We missed you more than anything, Tessa. It's great to have you back." Simon says, grinning widely.

As she exchanges a few more words with them, her eyes drift over the group and her stomach drops. The one person she wanted to see the most wasn't with them.

"You're looking for Connor?" Dillon asks as he notices the girl. "He got called in for an urgent investigation down at the harbour – but he told me that you could meet him down there."

Tessa gives him a sad nod, not wanting to wait any longer to see him again. Two months had been the longest that they'd been without each other – to one another's knowledge, of course.

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