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the fall

The past four days had been filled with tension between two certain recruits – not saying what's need to be said, instead of just ripping off the bandaid and resolving their problem.

The pair sat at their table eating lunch on the Monday afternoon, nerves running through their veins as they both tried to mentally prepare for the first written examination.

They ate in silence – something that was becoming a common theme, the usual banter and easy conversations disintegrating more and more each day. Even Connor noticed.

"Do you both feel prepared for the examination?" He asks, after sitting opposite them.

Tessa and Peter both shrug, avoiding eye contact with the android.

A part of Tessa just wanted to put her fork full of pasta down and let out everything she was feeling to her friends, but the stronger part of her stayed still – her stomach aching as she felt guilty watching Connor trying his best.

"I'm sure you'll both do brilliantly," He assures them, a wide grin appearing on his face. "You both nailed the practice tests."

Peter stands up with his half full tray, letting out a sigh while giving Connor a struggled smile. "Thanks, Con. I'll see you guys there."

The García girl pauses as she watches him leave, her sad eyes trailing back to the food in front of her. Out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Connor give her a sympathetic look.

"Whatever happened between you two – I'm sure you'll make up in no time. You have a remarkable bond."

Tessa responds with a short glance, followed by a nod, the corners of her mouth slightly lifting. After she finishes, the two find themselves walking to the examination room, Tessa's heartbeat accelerating.

She notices a line forming up to the door, Peter a few people in front of her. Her palms start to sweat as she sees the recruits signing in.

"Remember to take deep breaths and give yourself time to think over the questions," Connor tells the girl, making her turn around to look at him. "You deserve a good mark."

Just as she's about to thank him, she spots Captain Johnson rushing towards the line – his eyes set on the brunette. Her eyebrows furrow as he approaches her, his hand resting on her back as he directs her to the other side of the hallway.

"I have some important news for you."

Tessa's surroundings suddenly becomes blurry as the captain continues to talk, her stomach sinking with tears forming in her eyes. Her hand covers her mouth as she attempts to hold in her sobs, every noise around her disappearing.

Through her tears, she notices the Blake boy leaving the line with concern written all over his face. Without hesitating, the girl tightly goes into an embrace with her friend, her small body shaking against his. All of their problems suddenly vanished as she cried in his arms.

"Connor, could you please take Miss García to her room to collect her belongings," She hears the captain say behind her. "Mr Blake, I'm sorry, but you'll have to return to the examination."

Slowly, Peter lets go of the girl, giving her a soft smile as she looks up at him. "Call me when you can, alright?"

She gives him a small nod, stepping back as he turns away to stand back in line.

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