twenty six.

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The self-driven taxi pulled up to the Cyberlife tower with Connor anxiously sitting inside. He had a rough plan as to what he was going to do, but still – he had no idea as to what was going to happen.

Once the taxi stopped, he slowly gets out and walks towards the main entrance of the tower – immediately spotting a few armed guards standing inside. With his heartbeat increasing, Connor watches the doors open, stepping in shortly after.

"Follow me," A guard tells him. "We'll escort you."

Connor's gut turns as he dislikes the idea of being surrounded by the guards. "Thanks, but I know where to go."

"Maybe. But I have my orders."

Knowing he would have to obey anyway, Connor quickly nods as he begins to follow the guard to the elevator with another behind him. After they're inside, one of the guards enters in the floor along with his identification.

"Agent 54. Level 31." He says, making Connor curse in his head – it wasn't where he wanted to go.

The elevator starts to rise, and Connor notices a security camera in the top left corner. He focuses on it and quickly hacks into it's program – disabling it. He then starts to preconstruct the best option to take out the two guards with him, which only takes him a few moments to create the perfect scenario – soon sending his knee into one of the guards stomach's.

He notices the other guard start to approach him from behind, but uses his leg to swing out and push him down to the ground. He continues to struggle with them, punching and kicking them with all of his strength, before he manages to get out of one of their grips – aiming his gun at their head and firing. When he turns around to see the other guard coming at him, he quickly swings the gun up and executes him.

Connor's heart pounds as he stares at the two corpses in front of him. He glances out of the window, suddenly realising that he had to change the destination of the elevator. He rushes to the panel and presses the number, disguising his voice to appear as the guard's.

"Agent 54. Level -49."

Soon enough, the android finds himself stepping out of the doors into a large room filled with thousands of android's. He walks in between two large groups of them, selecting one and reaching out to convert them.

However, before he can – a familiar voice comes from ahead of him.

"Easy, fucking piece of shit."

Connor looks in the direction of the voice, his heart soon dropping as he sees Hank and Peter with two other Connor's holding them at gunpoint.

"Step back, Connor! And we'll spare them." One of them exclaims.

A large purple bruise surrounds the Blake boy's right eye, making his friend grimace. "Sorry, Con. These wanker's are your doppelgängers. One of them tricked us, and the other knocked us out before we could defend ourselves."

"These two humans are very important to you. Their lives are in your hands," One of the Connor's tells him. "Now it's time to decide what matters most – them, or the revolution."

"Don't listen to them, everything these fuckers say are lies." Hank warns his friend.

Connor's eyes frantically switch between the two, his grip on the android loosening. He couldn't risk their lives – and he had a bad feeling that the androids would attack anyway.

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