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The García girl finds herself staring up at the clock in the classroom, her chin resting on the palm of her hand, as she tapped her pen impatiently.

The rest of the room had the same energy – a two hour criminology class wasn't everyone's favourite, as some looked like they were about to pass out on their desks.

Tessa glances over at her friend, who also portrayed impatient tendencies – biting his nails, while his leg bounces rapidly.

As soon as the clock lands on the hour, the group share a sigh of relief as their teacher gives them the signal to pack up and go. Peter seems to be the quickest, grabbing his bag and making a beeline for the door. Before he leaves, it's almost as he feels his friend staring at him.

"Bathroom!" He informs her, looking behind his shoulder with a grin, before rushing out.

The girl chuckles to herself as she slings her bag over her shoulder, and heads for the door with the other recruits. She's about to head around the corner, before a hand grasps on to her arm.

"Hey–!" Her reflexes kick in, ripping her arm away as she turns to face the person – Dillon.

"What the hell do you want?" She groans.

He looks at her with frustration. "How the fuck are you back already? It takes at least 24 hours to recover from a concussion, even more with that fall you had."

"You do realise you're training to be a cop right? Not a fucking doctor," Tessa snarls, rolling her eyes as she goes to turns away. "Leave me alone."

"All I wanna know is how someone can recover that quickly – especially someone as weak as you."

Tessa's face flushes with anger as she stops in her tracks, whipping around to confront the boy. "You don't know anything about me! Just accept the fact that I'm stronger than I look, and go fuck yourself."

"Just tell me what you're taking." Dillon mumbles under his breath, stepping closer to the girl.


"Tell me what shit you're taking. I know it's something strong," He accuses her, as she stares at him with disbelief. "I see you sneaking into the kitchen every night. You gotta stash?"

"I'm not taking drugs, you fucking idiot!" Tessa exclaims, making him lurch forward and clamp her mouth shut with his hand.

"Not so loud, Jesus!" He whispers urgently, before she shoves him off her.

"Get the hell off me!"

"Mr Reed, I'd advise you listen to Miss García."

Tessa turns around to see Connor standing behind them, his eyes burning holes into Dillon's face.

"Get the fuck outta here, android." The boy scowls.

Connor briefly glances at Tessa, almost as to check if she's okay, which she softly nods to. "I'd hate to report you to your captain for harassment – and I'm sure your brother wouldn't be impressed to hear that, since he's the main reason why you're here."

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