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Tessa woke up still in Peter's bed the next morning. She couldn't remember what time she stopped crying and fell asleep, but due to how groggy she felt – she must've been out for a long time.

The Blake boy sits at his desk as she opens her eyes, quickly sitting up as she remembers the past day's events. He turns around, a worried look plastered on his face.

"Hey. You okay?" He asks, watching her avoid eye contact with him.

"I'm fine," She breathes out, swinging around to stand up. "I want you to tell me everything you know. Let's go for a walk."

Peter instantly nods, getting up from his chair to open the door for the girl, following her out after she passes him.

They walk outside to find a rainy day, the raindrops hitting the ground forcefully. They find a shelter to sit under, both anxious for the conversation to follow.

"How did you find out?"

The boy takes in a deep breath before answering. "You know the night I woke you up while you were sleep walking in the kitchen? And I said that you were just getting water? Well, you weren't. You have a disposable stomach, and you take it out every night and replace it with a new one in the kitchen."

Tessa looks at him with her mouth open, shocked at his words. She runs her hand over her stomach before continuing her interragation.

"Okay. Do you know if anyone else knows?"

"Captain Johnson does. His wife works at Cyberlife, and she happens to be one of the people involved in your creation." He replies, connecting some missing pieces in Tessa's mind.

"So that's what the meetings were about," She whispers, earning a nod from her friend. "Did he tell you anything about me?"

Peter hesitates before nodding again. "Yeah. I know that you're upset because you think your whole life is a lie – but everything that's happened in the past four years has happened because of you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Two months after they got you, you found out that your father had cancer. Johnson said that the emotional strain it caused you was so intense that it made you deviate. They lost full control over you, but they could still watch over you to continue the experiment. Until now." The Blake boy tells her, looking at her with concern.

She tilts her head at him, as if to question what he meant.

"I hacked into your programme while you were sleeping and put your statuses on loop for the next fourty eight hours so they don't notice anything. But after that, you have to get as far away from here as possible. I don't want them taking you away."

Tessa feels a slight shock of fear, but gives her friend an understanding look. He looked as he was about to cry, guilty from keeping such a big secret. Even though she was still upset with him, she knew he was just trying to help her. He was her best friend, after all.

The girl places her hand on Peter's, folding them together while giving him a smile. A wave of relief passes over his face.

"Thank you. And you're right – I can't stay here," She says to him. "Will you come with me to go see Connor and have a final goodbye?"

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