twenty two.

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in arms reach

Connor found himself in an elevator with his coin once again – this time with Hank standing next to him. He could sense the man getting agitated with the tossing of his coin, but was stopped by Hank, before he could do it himself.

"You're starting to piss me off with that coin, Connor." Hank grumbles, taking the object and keeping it to himself.

The android feels a pang of guilt, wishing he'd stopped sooner. "Sorry, Lieutenant."

They stop on the seventy ninth floor, the doors opening to the most recent deviant crime scene. However from the report, this one was much bigger than the others.

"Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it?" Hank jokes as they step into the hallway.

Connor finds himself rolling his eyes at the Lieutenant's comment, following him and an officer down the hallway as he explains the situation.

"A group of five androids – they knew the building, and were very well organised. I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed."

The officer continues as they approach the entrance to the broadcasting room, noticing the knocked out security by the door.

"If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, it's on that screen over there." He tells them as the enter the room.

The screen above shows two androids – both with their original skins on. Connor walks over to the panel and plays the video.

"This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom." The female android speaks, making Connor feel strange.

When it stops, he notices Hank walk up beside him. "Weird. I feel like I recognise that voice."

"So do I." Connor says, earning a suspicious look from the Lieutenant.

"Think that's rA9?"

"Deviants say rA9 will set them free," The android replies, still not getting a match to the voice. "She seems to have that objective."

Hank gives him a nod, intrigued by the theory. He opens his mouth to say something, but soon closes it and walks away. As Connor goes to investigate more, he stops as he sees a familiar face.

Officer Blake stands to his left with a clipboard, looking up and catching eyes with the android. He gives him a smile, walking over to talk.

"Officer Blake. It's good to see you're back in the field." Connor greets him.

"All thanks to you," He responds, lightly chuckling. "And, please – call me Peter."

"Sure. Any idea on who the deviants are?"

Peter looks up from his clipboard, his eyes wide as he quickly shakes his head. "Uh – no. No idea. I don't know. Just some, deviants."

The android slowly nods at him, noticing his heart beat raising.

"Well, I hope you find out. Have a good day, Peter." Connor says, a small smile appearing on his face.

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